Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

The difference in the news people see between say people like us that use twitter and substack and people just use legacy media is absurd. My mother was a life long republican and still agrees with me politically on most everything yet votes democrat because she gets all her news from CBS/CNN/NyTimes.

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Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

TheTransnationals want the perfect sock puppet to be POTUS...that would be Kamala. They spout "Orange man bad" with no reasons.Their tool is their captured MSM.

The local Democratic House candidate has 8 million dollars in their war chest. The local Republican has 220 thousand......????

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So you're saying that the people have voted with their wallets. What's your problem with that?

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A few things. 1) most republicans are RINOs and this is what disillusions many people. remember the Obama/McCain and Obama/Romney elections - fascist vs fascist-lite.

2) if a person’s decision on whom to vote for THIS TIME is based on a debate, that person has tapioca for brains. “Independent “ voters are morons

3) the Trump-haters pick superficial reasoning to be against him without appreciating the danger we are in from the administrative State.

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Nailed it. A response on your points:

1) Trump is the response to this. The people put him there. The media plays the game that Trump is responsible for "coarsening or poisoning our Democracy (TM)" when they don't realize that after many decades of RINO's the people put him up there. The media believe Trump has this "magical" hold over the Deplorables, and don't realize that normal people are fed up with "Failure Theater" and demanded a fighter. They chose Trump.

2) Like you, I don't understand "independent" voters who are still undecided. The divides are so stark, and if you pay attention to just about ANYTHING outside of the usual legacy media, you'd know what's really going on. It tells me that "independent" just means you don't know what is going on.

3) Absolutely. The bureaucrats are in charge -- particularly the Intelligence agencies. This is contrary to every founding principle of our country, and needs to be stopped. This should not be a world where--as Chuck Schumer said--"The Intelligence community can get you six ways from Sunday." Just awful.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 4Liked by Quoth the Raven

Sadly - I don't think the media is manipulating "open-minded, critically-thinking individuals" - those people will have already made up their own minds for all of the reasons that you suggest. I think the candidates are trying to attract the lazy and apathetic citizens that couldn't find their polling location on a $10 bet but could have their vote influenced by a slick TikTok video.

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"Some people simply hate Donald Trump so much that they wouldn’t vote for him even if he were running on the Democratic side of the aisle. I understand that, too."

Au contraire. Democrats hate Trump because they were programmed to hate him by the MSM. Politics is 99% marketing, and 1% governance. As you've indicated, Trump was the very first candidate from either party to tell the MSM to kiss off. Until then, candidates on both sides cowered in the presence of the mighty media, daring not to call them out on their bias. (These days, outright bigotry).

If Trump was a democrat, and in the good graces of the MSM, they would spin him as the greatest leader of all time. And the useful idiots who now hate him would instead love him. I'll use Hilary to prove my point. Hilary is at least as unlikable and 'outspoken' as Trump, but she is on the 'right side'. So she gets treated differently by the MSM. Hilary DOES support the MSM. Hilary DOES genuflect before the great and mighty media moguls. She is very nearly politically useless these days, so she is largely ignored. Still, today her incessant hate speech is covered to some extent, and she is not called out for it.

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The astonishing thing is, with all the gruesome history of what the Democrats have done to the US in recent years, that the Republicans aren't WAY OUT IN FRONT. It should be obvious that spending 4 years attacking Biden would see a shiny new face in place. The Republicans should have spent the last 4 years demolishing the Democrat BRAND so that whoever they put up was on a loser.

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This is by design. Both Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. Think about it...we never have more choices than Red, Blue and the Greens. The Overton Window has shrunk such that the only things discussed are what the controlled media allows. Case in point, no one has asked why the US is helping to install Zionism around the world (Israel & Ukraine). According to the media, that is expected and a non-issue. Instead the problem is those that protest Zionism are anti-semitic and must be dealt with.

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Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Drunken 3 am back-of-the-envelope calculations of the politics of the American public aren't necessary. The majority of Americans support exactly what you laid out - pro-freedom and smaller government. So why are elections close?

Well, a media organization that gangs up on a candidate 3-1, another media organization who claims they won't gang up, then does it anyway. Intelligence agencies who seed those same media organizations with knowingly false dossiers in order to sway an election or undermine a duly-elected President. A justice department who works at the Federal, state and local levels to persecute their political rival. Federal relief agencies who tailor their responses to disasters based on voter preferences. A treasury department that falsifies job and inflation numbers to mask the regime's disastrous economic policies. A President who engages in idiotic foreign policies that result in the death of American soldiers, then impatiently checks his watch as their bodies are returned.

In other words, can you really wonder why a very unpopular party that supports unhinged, anti-American policies can keep elections close and win many of them? Given the evil listed above, they will stoop to anything that keeps them in power. When you are responsible for the death and destruction of your fellow citizens, rigging an election is child's play.

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Thoughtful comment. I'm still getting drunk at 3AM at the airport though.

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That's fine. If you see a guy wearing his bolo tie as a headband, that'll be me.

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Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

“To me, things like personal responsibility, liberty, less regulation, lower taxes, peace through strength, secure borders, law and order, feverish protection of constitutional rights, and small government simply make the most sense….”

bam…best quote - now on my Twitter feed…

hope more people subscribe to your newsletter…

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I agree with that. Interspersed replies:

To me, things like personal responsibility, liberty, (states allowing private citizens to sue doctors for women's health care. What about ectopic pregnancies in your daughter's Fallopian tube? In FL she has to die of she finds out at 6 weeks and a day)less regulation, lower taxes, (how will you ever balance the budget now in a death spiral?) peace through strength, (with a bloated Pentagon that is unauditable and a procurement process that gives us F-35's that flt half the time and the USS Gerald Ford, aptly names as it's equipment doesn't work half the time) secure borders, (half or more of illegals fly here with work visas and overstay. Reagan and the GOP granted amnesty to millions. You really agree that we can deport 10 million people? Ha) law and order, (Like the PATRIOT Act, allowing warrantless and other spying on) us feverish protection of constitutional rights, (oh like Dobbs isn't a clear violation of separation of church and state?) and small government simply make the most sense….” They're all catch phrases, but Congress needs a buy-in and with 17% of the people electing half the Senate we'll never get anything passed.

If you draw a venn Diagram with Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party I bet there's a 40% overlap when you take away labels. People are pissed off that billionaires like Foster Freize have their own candidates like Santorum.com, and others. Soros isn't that only one who dishes out campaign money like water. Waltons, Koch, many, many others. They own us.

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Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

You and I are on the exact same page. I see Vance in a way I hadn't seen him before. He was calm under pressure, has a plan, and is brilliant.

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Him, Vivek, Tulsi...the future.

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Oct 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Fucking spot-on Bravo!

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QTR's ignorance of how the world works cannot be missed in this article.

1) Vance is Skull & Bones...he is a Yale graduate and cozy with the 'elite' bankers, MIC, etc.

2) Fox News is not fair and balanced - it is the most pro-Zionist news organization out there.

3) To date, no one has been held responsible for the COVID lies and murders. Pfizer continues to exist and FDA/CDC are under regulatory capture. Fauci admitted that COVID vaccine causes myocarditis and he is walking a free man. Kids are still expected to receive the COVID vaccine per CDC guidelines.

4) A quarter of Republican senators voted to give money to Ukraine.

5) Israel has received over $300Billion from the US since 1946. Each congress-critter except Massie gets an AIPAC buddy to advise them on how to vote on matters around Israel. The real power-center for US politics involves Netanyahu and the Federal Reserve bank which is partly owned by Rothschilds/Warburgs. This much is certain.

In the end, voting for Harris or Trump is akin to the bread & circuses of the Roman Empire...keep the masses entertained while everything else burns down around them.

Like Russell Blake has said...There are those who are stupid enough to believe that they can vote their way out of a system that is actively oppressing and killing them.

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is it ? the long game of the globalists to by-and-by compel the United States to sell off its public lands to a cabal of shady international investors, (after the collapse of the dollar as the reserve currency), just as now is being done in Ukraine? Are we next in line for this?

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I was thinking it was objectively, astonishing how you can write a story about being objective when there is little to zero objectiveness in your article. You and David Sacks' objective look at Putin invading Ukraine is about as naive as Trump believing Putin when he said he didn't interfere.

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Can you say that in plain English?

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is this better for you? I found it objectively astonishing how you can write a story about objectivity when there is little to no objectivity in your article. You and David Sacks' supposedly objective look at Putin's invasion of Ukraine is about as naive as Trump believing Putin when he claimed not to have interfered. Btw do you actually have anything of value to add or does my in bed 4 am grammar invalidate my opinon?

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Your lack of knowledge in Russian history is showing.

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Holy smokes, you got ratholed by the Tucker interview?? You think killing your friends and relatives just for the restoration of Mother Russia is just you are pathetic tyrant! He used NATO as bullshit excuse also and even so is no excuse. Should we try and take over Canada or Mexico if they signed a NATO style group without us? Ridiculous

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history also show's us the world has been around just a "smidge" longer than "God" supposedly created it

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This VP debate was more important than other VP debates in the past, especially concerning Vance since Trump is old and though appears healthy and vigorous, at age 78 if elected would serve into his early 80s. More likely his VP might have to step in and step up whereas Harris is much younger so less likely her VP would need to step in and step up. So the Republicans had much to lose if Vance performed poorly. Not only didn't he do poorly, he was personable, calm, composed, confident, intelligent, and did very well. If anything, Vance's performance helped Trump, whereas Walz neither helped nor hurt Harris.

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Vance: "They are illegal immigrants in Springfield Ohio" Moderator: "Senator, they are legal" Vance: The rules said there's to be no fact checking." Mansplaining message: I can lie all I want, fail to admit Trump lost 2020, and spew crap, and look sideways every 10 minutes under my contract with L'Oreal. It's all Bullshit. It's all we hear from Trump. Ask Desantis: https://twitter.com/i/status/1716844493339500890

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might I humbly suggest my article that answers why people vote against their best interest?


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