I found out about 'something going on in Wuhan' quite early through Erik Townsend (Macro Voices) and Dr. Chris Martinson (Jan-April 2020), but I lived in a building with quite a few older residents and when all of them 'refused' to get sick and die, and I myself didn't get sick either, I quickly became a sceptic.

From roughly April 2020 I started to figure out that 'things didn't add up,' whether through the number of "cases" measured by the fraudulent RT PCR test (as explained by Dr. Pieter Borger), or the questionable benefits of masks and lockdowns (as described by Dr. Ioannidis) or the 'blessings' of the mRNA technology (described by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in Germany, or Dr. Robert Malone in the US, and many others). So when they started talking about 'the vaccine being 'our' exit strategy' I moved heaven and earth to avoid taking it.

I live in the EU in a country that was quite fanatical about the so-called "3G" rule, which stands for "Geimpft" (vaccinated), "Genesen" (cured/healed) or "Getested" (tested). In the end, with a bunch of colleagues and friends we made the 'deal' that we would 'help' each other get the "Genesene" (cured/healed) status.

Most other people were totally brainwashed, dumb, naive and/or lazy. An aunt of mine died last month, 2 weeks after she took the booster shot at the end of October. She was a really nice and sweet woman, but unfortunately she was also very gullible and immediately after taking the shot she complained of pain in her arm + having extreme fatigue. At her funeral I talked to a cousin who also took the booster jab, and he was totally shocked to find out that all my other cousins (including his own brother, LOL!) were either completely unvaccinated or only took the absolute minimum number of jabs required for work.

Anyway, long story short for that this was completely foreseeable for anyone with >2 braincells capable of a little bit of critical thinking, and that with some 'creativity' anyone could have gotten the "cured/healed' status without having to have taken the experimental jab.

Are there any longterm effects from catching Covid 19? I don't know, but IMHO in the long run it would have been unavoidable anyway to NOT catch it, so worst case scenario is now with those people who are jabbed AND they still get Covid 19 anyway. They get the 'benefit' of perhaps Long Covid AND the longterm side effects from the jab.

p.s. I still think that 99% of the dumb sheeple out there would make a SIMILAR mistake again in the future, because "this time it's different."

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Perfectly said.

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this was a DOD operation, the pharma companies were used as fronts (accessories to the DOD fraud) Katherine Watt’s Substack “Bailiwick News” is the go-to on the topic:


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This was a genocide attempt. If our "gov't" is behind this we have bigger problems than I thought!

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It was and is a genocide attempt, particularly to get rid of us older folks who are receiving Social Security and other pensions. They love to see us die.

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No way I’m taking a new vaccine with less than 6 months clinical trial. That’s not medicine. That’s experimentation on the public.

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No more vaccines for me.

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... and the current 3 year primate study on the "vaccines" is... a FAIL.

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“Had You Known, Would You Have Taken the Jab?” I didn’t know the truth, of course, just as everyone else also didn’t know. But my background as a medical researcher caused me to be extremely suspicious of this “new type” of immunization injections. All previous immunization products used either 1) killed viruses (the actual virus, killed by heat or an antiviral agent), 2) attenuated viruses (the actual virus, severely weakened but not killed by the same methods), or 3) virus fragments (the actual virus, with part of its DNA removed to prevent replication). The common factor is that all previous immunization methods start with the actual virus that is the target of the immunization, modified to prevent its reproduction in the body. This allows the immune system to recognize the virus as an “invader” and create antibodies against it, without giving the recipient an actual case of polio, smallpox, etc. The covid shot did not use any of the immunization methods proven to work over many decades. That was a red flag to many in the medical community.

The second red flag was the speed of development. The normal course of development for a new drug or treatment runs 5 to 10 years, with many steps in the process — computer studies of the chemical structure, test tube studies on the immunizing agent to see if it actually works against the virus, long-term animal studies to see if it works as designed and if there are any delayed side-effects, then small-scale human trials to determine the proper dosage, followed by large-scale human trials to prove safety and effectiveness. At each stage the data is collected and analyzed before moving to the next step, and frankly, the majority of drugs in development fail to make it through the development process due to lack of safety and/or effectiveness. None of that data collection and analysis happened with Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed.”

The biggest red flag was the drug companies being given immunity from prosecution for any harm caused by their new immunization technology. The drug companies certainly knew that developing a new treatment in less than a year (instead of half a decade or more), with scant safety data and only “temporary” FDA approval, was a risk they would not take, even with billions of dollars dangling in front of them by the federal government. Only by eliminating the risk of lawsuits would the “Warp Speed” development commence.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology was developed a few years ago and was being used primarily to target cancer cells for destruction. It was not designed to target viruses, much less be used as a “vaccination” agent against them. But there is a huge difference in using a novel method to target, say, leukemia, which will almost certainly kill a person, and using it to target a virus that has a 98% chance of survival.

The public didn’t know any of this, of course, but medical professionals did, which is why many of them (including me) refused the shot. President Trump did not know the dangers either, but he had medical advisors that could have alerted him of the danger before charging ahead. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong people to advise him. (A recurring problem in his administration.) Instead of listening to Scott Atlas or Joseph Mercola, he listened to Anthony Fauci and Deborah Burke. And people died.

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It seems like most doctors did not do any of their own research or apply critical thinking. They just did whatever they were told to do by their hospital admins/pharma/insurers/professional orgs, etc. No brains and no guts.

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Yes, you're right. Even my own doctor, who knows my medical background, "suggested" a few times that I get a Covid shot. My dermatologist and I got into an email exchange that started with my refusal to wear a mask in her office and ended with her dismissing me as a patient. (It might have had something to do with her explaining that "other patients" would be afraid to be in the waiting room with someone unmasked, and my reply that instead of "following the science," she's "following the politics" and catering to the poor, ignorant souls who see a mask as a magic amulet to ward off evil spirits.)

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Had Trump not followed the Globalist/WHO/ Fauci narrative, had he not fast tracked the virus, enabled shutdowns and mask mandates, he would have been charged with causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans ( who died anyway). Trump was boxed in. He had no choices.

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DeSantis was in a similar position, but on a state-level. After briefly locking down the state in cooperation with the Washington cabal, he quickly reversed his position and opened up the state. He endured venom from federal healthcare bureaucrats, senators and congressmen, the mainstream media, teacher’s unions, and even mayors in Florida’s blue cities. The difference is that DeSantis stood firm against the massive pushback from Leftist fear-mongers. He opened up the state’s beaches, public parks, schools, and businesses. He pushed through legislation to prohibit requiring proof of vaccination to work, worship, or shop. He was reviled but never backed down. Trump should be so bold.

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You are correct. I applaud Governor DeSantis. But DeSantis isn’t Donald Trump. He wasn’t in the crosshairs of the Administrative State. He wasn’t the Chief Executive of the nation, hated by both political parties for not playing the game according to their rules.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

True dat. DeSantis had the backing of the Florida legislature and Florida's Surgeon General. Trump had everyone in the Deep State, including his own appointees and White House staff, conspiring against him. It'll be the same when he wins this time, so hopefully he's prepared for it this time. DeSantis, if/when he ever makes it to the White House, will at least have the backing of Republicans, since he was a Congressman in Washington for 6 years before becoming governor.

Edit: It concerns me that Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy twice -- once for re-election and again for Speaker -- and lobbied hard for Rona Romney McDaniel to be head of the Republican National Committee. Both are Deep State anti-Republican operatives, which makes me wonder if Trump really has learned anything from his first administration.

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Trump is not perfect. I don’t agree with a lot of his actions. But having said that, I’ve never been in a den of thieves surrounded by those who feign support with smiling faces while hiding the knife behind their back. Not many long timers in Washington he could trust. A lesser man would have folded long ago.

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Trump was target number one. DeSantis was farther down on the hit list. His time may come.

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Thank God for DeSantis. It became clear that if things got bad enough there was a place to go for refuge.

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PFE is going to ZERO. Go to recording of the gathering in Davos, May 2022. PFE CEO stated that the goal of the "Vax" was to reduce the world population by 50% by 2023!!!! That is enough "evidence" to shut down that evil POS company permanently, and give the perpetrators a proper Benito Mussolini send off!!!

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They may well go to 0, and some other entity will inherit the mRNA platform future that is being desired by the powers that be.

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Would they have taken it if they knew that 1 in 4 would have an 'unintended immune response'. By this they mean your body misreading the mRNA and creating random proteins! This inflammatory side effect is completely harmless they tell us - yep sure.


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My decision would not have been different. I didn't take any injections . none! I had a bad reaction to a "flu" shot and decided not to take anything, anywhere,

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Not going to be satisfied until I see bodies swinging from short ropes in the gallows.

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Gottlieb and Fauci both profited handsomely from their deceptions. They should be personally sued as well. Unfortunately for $10Mil, Pfizer will settle and walk away. They need to be sued for 5x the 75Bill they scored in this mindfuck.

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I knew to be skeptical of the lockdowns, masking and jabs because the same people and news outlets that had told us for 4 years that Trump was a Russian agent suddenly were frothing at the mouth over the necessity for all of us to shut up and do what “they” told us to do. No jab for me. I and my family did just fine health wise.

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Defending Donald Chump by saying he didn't have a choice, makes you look like a chump.

Please stop sitting in your microcosm and spewing excuses for the President of the United States. The man was a total idiot, and doesn't even have to explain himself. He just sits back and lets people like you make up his excuses for him.

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I just wonder what changed Biden and Harris opinion on the potentially dangerous Trump vaccine? They were against it before they were for it. The original anti vaxxers, until they came into office. Then they started labeling Vax skeptics potential Right Wing Terrorists.

Plenty of blame to go around on this one.

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It was no different than how Chump called Obama's employment numbers fake, until the week Chump took office and the employment numbers came out, and he bragged about how great they were for the next 4 years.

Once someone takes office, they are required to go with the narrative that is being used to control the sheeple. Sure there can ge disagreements.........about issues being used to divide.........and control the sheeple........but there can be no directional/policy changes, and they can't bash universal pillars of the narrative like, vaccines good, unemployment lowest ever, stawk market doing awesome, GDP great, Israel good guys, Russia bad guys, we're winning no matter what, government is here to save you, etc.

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Now we are just batting 'what aboutisms' around. No point to these arguments.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

No. No we are not. Because I am not "justifying" what Biden or Chump or Obama did by what someone else did.

I am explaining that there is only one party, the uni-party, and there is no real difference between the two. Sure you hear them get up and bitch at each other, but you never see them do anything real about which they are complaining.

For instance, you will hear the republicans.......or at least we use to.......complain about the illegal immigrant issue, but do they ever do anything about it?

Both sides tell their groups what they want to hear, but then they do what they are going to do, regardless of what "voters" think.

I love the way you completely ignored the FACT that I used as my example, and defaulted to some warm, fuzzy groupie mantra that doesn't even apply. If you guys are not going to be able to look honestly, critically at YOUR team, then the country stays in this "left vs right" false paradigm forever.

Stop seeing politicians as good guys and bad guys........none of them are "statesmen".......and they are all just a necessary evil.......but evil nonetheless.

P.S. Look at the "jobs report" today. Fake as ever, but even Chump would be proud of them.

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I can't hear anything over your wailings on Chump. You are a record marred with the unfortunate scratch that Trump seems to have made on you. No matter your point or argument it always skips back to Chump.

Gotta let it go. The man has spent too much time living in your mind rent free.

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What should Trump have done in 2020?

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What he should have done?! Grab the bull by the horns and end that Covid circus maybe!?

Stop making excuses for that Warp Speed conman who did NOTHING to drain the swamp except for hiring more neocons and bending over for Bill Gates and his GAVI vaccine mafia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV1U9s3vJ0

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You seem quite confident that there was a simple solution. Can you list first three steps Trump should have taken to end the Covid circus?

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Well it was your Orange Conman who 'knew it all' and had a quick solution for everything, remember? Remember how he was going to make great trade deals, build border walls, drain the swamp, and Make America Great Again? All without any specific ideas or people, just using some cheap slogans and tweets.

Anyway, here you go, I'll give you not 3 but 5 ideas how he could have ended that whole CONvid pLandemic;

1) by NOT hiring Deep State monsters like Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx

2) he could have actually FIRED some Swamp people like Robert Redfield from the CDC

3) he could have pushed HARD against the war on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

4) he could have hired COMPETENT people like Robert Malone or cardiologist Peter Mccullough or Dr. John Ioannidis

5) he could have endorsed the brave doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration and help turn around public opinion

Is that enough for you? Or do you want more? Why do you Trump fanboys always deflect blame by forcing people who criticise him to come up with solutions while at the same time pumping your Orange Hero as the Saviour of Mankind who's ideas can't be criticised? You guys are just as blinded and delusional as the biggest Biden/Obama/Hillary fanboy.

Yet the Great Orange Genius did NOTHING of those (totally obvious!) points I've listed above, and instead he bent over for Bill Gates' vaccine mafia (mutual friend of Jeffrey Epstein by the way) and the World Economic Forum.

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AND demand all governors to keep all schools, businesses and public gatherings open with no restrictions?

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Just curious, if you were a Republican President with enemies on the Left and Right. You have just been impeached for making a phone call. You fired an insubordinate FBI Director and was rewarded with a 3 year bogus special counsel investigation. What do you think would be the actions of the House Democrats, Senate UniParty and the NYT/Washington Post/CNN cabal if you fire the head of the CDC and NIH, tell the WHO to go to Hell and shut down the MRNA vaccine operations?

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You should run for elective office. I agree with all of your solutions.

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He should have been a President and not a "savior."

You find me where in the Constitution it is the responsibility of the President or any member of Congress to fund billions of dollars to private corporations. There is no longer a Constitution because people have let these bastards walk all over it. Hell, the sheeple beg the government to disregard the Constitution and come save them.

That whole move with Big Pharma was as fascist as hell. Then all the welfare he passed out. If he had never signed that welfare money bill to pass out trillions, there wouldn't have been any lockdowns or business closures.

We have hospitals, doctors, nurses, and yes, pharmaceutical companies that take care of sick people. That is in no way the government's role or responsibility. And the blending of the two was a fascist nightmare that destroyed much of what freedom was left. You wait and see the precedence this is going to set. Just like 9/11 did.

Look at the free speech that is being attacked because the Jews and Arabs are killing each other.......AGAIN. People in this country want to root for Hamas, that is their prerogative and freedom to do so. If we weren't sending money to either side, what difference would it make in whom they cheered for? Israel is not righteous in that situation........not at all.......not even close.

It is time for the government to mind their own damn business. Simple answer to your question, for one thing, Chump should have stayed out of the pharmaceutical business.

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Didn't get the jab and have ZERO regrets. The risk benefit analysis was easy once they started reporting on the age group and co-morbidities of hospitalized patients. I look forward to seeing PFE & MRNA at zero if it ever happens. They deserve it.

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As early as October 2020 I knew without a shred of doubt that everything that is now known was the case. I wouldnt have allowed myself to be fired from a job Ioved over a mandate were I not 100% convinced it was deadly. The info was always there, it just needed to be found.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

NFW.. i was fine with two Pfizer initial shots…. My wife’s second shot (she is 95 lbs) caused her BP to spike, and damaged her vision in one eye…. Her BP has periodically been too high since then (previously she was typically 90 over 60)…. God, were we stupider than hell!… No boosters, and we are freaking done forever

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What a mistake I made in taking the mRNA "vaccine". I was duped. Go Texas, this is a case for Tort law to show real reasons for its existence. I think that the medical system should be sued for bypassing protocols that would have saved Covid patients put on ventilators and basically murdered by unthinking medical personnel who ignored effective protocols. Pfizer should just disappear from the medical scene. I will not even take the "normal" annual Flu vaccine shots. Not ever again, until CDC, Fauci, and FDA are completely overhauled and Doctors are prevented from migration from government to Pharma companies with all of the conflict of interest that creates. Immoral and unethical using a huge dose of lies, lies, lies.

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As a medical professional, most of my colleagues doctors got this damn shot. To date some are still getting boosters. This is for you that are reading this.........question the medical establishment highly and question all the medical journals highly. They’ve all been taken over and re-edited. I just went back to the University,I’m 75, and couldn’t believe that the professor in our epidemiology class was on the side of the vaccine companies.


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I spent the better part of two years trying to warn everyone through every media available to me to not fall for the scam-demic hysteria. A few listened, most ignored me and believed the mass media. From the inception in Wuhan in January 2020, Karl Denninger was studying the numbers and publishing his analysis daily. From him, I knew that this was not a real pandemic, and there was no need to be full of fear.

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