How the fuck did we get here?

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I think everyone is asking that same question...

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Slowly then all at once.

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Said the frog in the pot of tepid water while the flame gets bigger!

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We got here by having each political party use the government to legislate and mandate what the people wanted........while pissing on the Constitution and rule of law. Once that slippery slope was taken, there was no turning back.

I am going to give you an example of what I mean, and it will be on the Republicans, since everyone thinks only the Democrats are responsible for the mess we are in.

It has been the Republican governors and legislatures in "red" states, that have passed laws making it illegal to criticize Jews or Israel. Saying that the Jews run the banking system and that it is corrupt is illegal, in places like Florida, South Dakota, and Indiana. They have all adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism.

It is clearly a violation of the first amendment. Yet because evangelicals want to show their support for Israel, they have no problem goading politicians into proving their "worth" by passing laws that any 4th grader could see are against Constitutional law. They don' t care about the rule of law as long as they get what they want.

We could sit here and pull out numerous examples of this kind of oath breaking, treasonous bullshit from both sides of the isle. Therefore, it shouldn't surprise us when we get someone running for the Big Chair boasting about policies that would fit in communist China but not in a Constitutional Republic. And Trump makes un-Constitutional claims all the time as well. Obama-care is illegal as hell, and Trump has now admitted he had the chance to kill that law, but instead he let it stand.

The rule book was thrown away a long time ago.......and the people cheered! George Bush and the Republicans passed the Patriot Act and NDAA.......both two of the most un-Constitutional pieces of legislation to ever see the light of day...........and the people cheered!

Best statement I have ever heard on the subject? "You can vote your way into communism, but you will have to shoot your way out."

That pretty much sums it up.

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Well, for one thing we have a government lap dog media that hasn't done its job in decades and is populated with big government Socialists and central planners.

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People that call themselves Americans, felt it better to hold on to their stuff and take no risk, than to go to war with their rogue, illegal government, and hold their feet to the fire.

It just wasn't convenient.

I wonder if the Founding Fathers expected the "press" to deal with King George?

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Price controls and rationing would have been unthinkable prior to 2020. It's insane how fast we are running off the cliff. Stock up on long shelf life items, guns, ammo and medical supplies. Having a years worth of food for your entire family is a good idea.

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Nixon used Wage and Price Controls to win the 1972 election. The damage was quite clear then and later, but meanwhile it papered over economic problems government was causing…but it is always a clear and total disaster.

But today people are totally misinformed about economics, having learned nothing true about it in government schools taught by government employees. So we can expect people to have a dismal understanding of the dismal science.

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I wish I could say that this is an outlandish and fear-mongering warning. Fear not old skywalker. However as an investor make the most of people doing stupid things. You are not Canute and no amount if wailing will make a difference. I despair most days but then make the most of it.

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TLDR: I work in the sector which KH and allies are threatening with price freezes. Hard to believe the Democrat party is misguided enough to think it will fix prices. Wait, I take that back. As pointed out in the article, such policies would be more effective at creating scarcity of goods than anything else. Scarcity will be so easy to obtain, we'll stock every aisle with it. Inventory time will be a breeze! Anyhow, I'd be hard pressed to find a price increase from the past 4 years that didn't result in some way from govt manipulation. Most of it in the energy sector but printing money at warp 10 to prop up the military/pharma/entitlement complex contributes. Everything ppl buy in retail outlets depends on fossil fuel, to mine, to plant, to fertilize/feed, to control weeds/insects, to harvest, to process, to transport and refrigerate. Believe me, EVs do not haul anything up and over the Rockies from the production areas of Yuma, Salinas, Watsonville, etc. That is diesel. Stop f&$#ing with pipeline building/production in the petrochemical industry would be better than price freezes. The costs of production would almost certainly increase more slowly or even level off. The money not wasted could be used to pay the ppl who break their backs picking our produce. A thankless job if I've ever seen one. As the saying goes, poor minds produce piss poor policies and I think we're getting ready to see them in abundance. 2021-2024 was them warming up in the bullshit pen. Sorry for the long-form screeeeech

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Price fixing is only the first economic virtue signal. Then come unrealized capital gains and a host of new giveaways and reparations. Not sure a year of food and ammo will stave off Armageddon this time. Start digging that bunker and plant some crops.

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A unelected DEI hire who has no clue of the history of the country she wants to govern...who is backed up by Transnationals and the assassins that want to eliminate her experienced opponent so she can win.

Welcome to 21sr century Amerika....do as your told or you don't eat...!!

By the way...can you roll up your sleeve for the next kill shot?

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And say goodbye to all of your favorite restaurants. I mean, unless McDonald's and Burger King (etc.) are your favorites. Also, would be a perfect excuse for the inhuman insect-as-food idea to be forced upon us as well.

Add in a dose of medical tyranny, e.g., you can't order a hamburger in the entire country of Canada that isn't well done, "it's the law". That currently-absurd practice will seem mild in comparison to what they will do.

Keep in mind, these people are fully well insane (not hyperbolic). They quite literally want significantly fewer people on the planet. And, yes, that does mean *you* (and me) specifically. Not some other people in the next neighborhood, town, city or state. You and me.

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Saw Jeffrey Tucker speak last week. Great turnout for a blue city, county & state. Was encouraging. He didn’t specifically address this but did address all the other economic issues we’ve been subject to.

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He's incredible.

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It’s been interesting to watch his progression over the last few years more to a do not comply - they want you dead mentality. Which I happen to agree with.

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Great article Chris, things sure aren't looking good if Harris wins.

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Whether Harris wins or not, things aren't looking good.

Did Trump put price controls on the drug industry? Did you have a problem with that?

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