Really one of the best articles I’ve read that sums up how we got to this point. Our trust in our system was broken by the government overreach, it can’t be trusted anymore to protect or defend the citizens. Thanks QTR from a follower in one of the other provinces. Will share this article widely.

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Excellent piece. For the record I haven't visited a doctor for a check up for decades. John Day MD on Substack has something to say about the system as it is.

The part about loving the smallholding and local area is right on point.

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The elites have already put in place the systems they need to exert complete control over the populations they intend to subjugate utterly. It seems your choice now is to accept it or continue barking at the fence that surrounds you. Perhaps the US with it's strong 2A tradition may hold out a bit longer, but since the primary enforcement arm of the new system is largely in US control I have little hope for that long term. Still, it was an interesting display watching all the systems being unveiled over the last 20 years.

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The word "expert" in a headline has me immediately suspect. So much BS put out on all media channels over the last 3 years. Move to the midwest, buy a few guns and bourbon, make money. Leave that stuff behind.

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Covid, Climate, Race/Gender, Ukrainian war... one corrupt scam after another. These are not experts but elitist oligarchs and their operatives doing their best to get us all cancelled and compliant! The US needs a Reform Party to clear out the WEF -picked candidates and administrative state and their weapons of choice - the DOJ, FBI, et al. While the politicians bankrupt the country, we have no elective voice - sorry to say. All we have is non -compliance until a real 3rd party solution is manifest.

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Lesson #1: We need to hold the medical-industrial complex accountable.

How? A REAL solution is not presented in the article, so how do we, herds of modern moron slaves, achieve that?

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Two things that boggle my mind:

1) How unqualified some experts are. Journalists who write on either climate change or healthcare are simply good writers with mostly no science or math skills. The idea that somehow we can just make flight green is moronic, for example. A barrel of oil is 12 manyears of labor. Chew on that....it is potent... Hard to replace that with solar panels or batteries.

2) The worship of Experts. We must stop, before any more tinkering of anything, until there is a full Covid response accounting..... and scorecard the so called experts, immediately regarding Covid. Start with that asshole in UK, Neil Ferguson from Imperial College who gave the world the 3% of population is going to die from Covid scare. He was only off by a factor of 30 f-ing thousand... He needs the Napoleon treatment. Banished to some Island, never to be heard from again. His name needs to become household, equivalent to "rancid bullshit". You know, where bosses can stand at the head of the conference table and say, "allright, give the forecast to me straight, and no Neil Ferguson BS" Historically, Ferguson has done the same with Swine Flu and Bird Flu and nobody calls this guy out. Bill Gates keeps funneling money to him and he keeps feeding the dopey public, BS. It has to stop. There would have been no Covid fear if Ferguson would not breath the air we do.....

And then we move on to the entire Covid response team, Birx et al....then the pharma folks, etc, etc....

We need to destroy the blank check of worship for experts....they are highly compensated shills.

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The really important lesson is your neighbors are your enemy. Authoritarians can do little without the willing help of the evil populace bowing down to them. I will remember the ones trying to coerce me.

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Well articulated article, thank you. Therefore it is disappointing that the author still talks in terms of Democracy Left Right Stalinism etc.These are all such archaic categorisations that need to be consigned to history. Where we find ourselves now, is a binary choice of which totalitarian technocratic system we will accept to live under willingly or compelled by force? Sadly, the world will never return to what it was, because in truth, it was never how we misled ourselves to believe it was. The world was, is and will remain the few ruling the many regardless of whether it is done openly or covertly

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Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

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Jefferson warned America of what could happen: Bankers in control. Follow the money. Solution? Downsize government and make the money sound again.

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I really appreciated the reference to books that have influenced you. How about a list of your favorite book at the end of the next post or a full post on essential readings in economics, philosophy, history, etc. Thank for the terrific posts. And please do another stellar podcast episode of "Our Bullshit Economy."

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"Love is still the ultimate answer."...

YES... Fauci LOVES us so goddamn much I can't even stand him!

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Now that the world has finally caught up to what was obvious in Dec 2019, are we ready to realize that this virus was at a min version 2. SARS of 2002 (which weirdly enough also originated in China) was most certainly Covids predecessor.

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Thanks for reposting that article! I keep a tab open for Brownstone Institute and read them regularly but somehow I missed that one. That's a great article. Spot on. I followed the link to NCLA and just donated to them. That's some very important work.

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