Aug 19, 2023Liked by Quoth the Raven

Well written and to the point. I hate being a pessimist, but if the choice is elected officials creating a responsible spending plan for a "sustainable and prosperous course for the future" or "buckle up, It’s going to be a bumpy ride," I'll put my money on the latter. Which is a shame. At some point the people are going to have to nut up and step in, because the politicians are too corrupt, too out of touch, and too stupid to do it themselves. All the incentives for them are wrong.

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Every time I read an article that contains "they should", I realize there's no point finishing it. Why should Congress be different from the people they represent? We've spent the growth of many years already using credit card debt and HELOC's, turned housing into a luxury good, and are cruising and flying in complete disregard of any impact on climate or energy prices. We point fingers at Europe, but they travel by train, most don't have air conditioning, and the power goes off in many hotels when you leave the room. Betting on a repeat of the 70s show, not the responsible miracle that would cut the military budget and take care of the kids.

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Ha! We’re here in Italy for a friend’s wedding. They do exactly that, tho “woke” WDW hotels did years ago. Only if my wife would do so as well. They also have PET bottle caps that stay attached when you open them .imagine that. Billions of caps staying attached to bottles for the 15% that get recycled. What does it cost the mfrs? $0, prolly. Keeps them out of everywhere they don’t belong. Our private sector has their heads so far up their asses they need windows put in their stomachs so they can see. Does it really take some jerk at EPA or wherever to make a rule? Audit the Pentagon, what are you, a Commie?/

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Quoth the Raven

We have to strip down the system and rebuild it to save democracy--from voting methods to budgeting to corruption from the wealthy (no I don't agree to the conservative's current idea of rebuilding--installing an authoritarian Republican ruling party---I men did anyone pay attention to history in school, or read a few articles on what life is like in Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, China, etc.?)

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Riiight, Build Back Better THAT’S your plan! Marx also recommended destroying all societal entities. I can see just what kind of history you’re fond of.

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Did I mention staying with the current Democratic party platform? I guess your black and white thinking took you there. I believe I was expressing that the current political regime must change and that must involve both parties.

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I think a rating of AA+ ia too generous

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Democrats already have succeeded in destroying our country: reckless spending and money printing; pointless, unnecessary, immoral wars and interventions abroad; shameless electoral fraud and chicanery; weaponization of federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI and DOJ, to intimidate and , if necessary, imprison perceived enemies of the DNC; and open borders, which floods the country with bummed-out, uneducated, unskilled, non-English-speaking Third World immigrants, migrants, and illegal aliens whose real reason for coming here is handouts and freebies.

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You need a reeducation. There is a Uniparty. Reckless military spending, wars like Iraq, that W started, etc. If there were no jobs for illegals they wouldn’t come here. Look in the mirror like Pogo.

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Here's the one flaw in the "population + inflation" budget growth cap rule. All rules that implement a "contractual linkage" to a metric will lead the a manipulation of the metric to serve political ends. One could argue that because we have improperly calculated inflation for so long (for political reasons, so the Fed can say they conquered inflation after Volker), that the most recent spending is actually necessary to fully capitalize the various departments that have been "underfunded" when adjusted for true inflation. Maybe this is why none of the agencies seem to be doing their jobs, and regulators are turning to corporations for bribes or the sweetheart lobbying gigs. They don't want to do their job because they're understaffed and underfunded. Their systems are largely dinosaur systems. All the money is wasted on government real estate, not the things that actually help them do their jobs, like decent pay and adequate staffing.

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It's strikes me that the first step is to remove all elected officials and start over again. single term limits would help the process by first getting rid of all the current dead wood, and second, having the potential to create a process and mindset for newly elected officials to address the myriad problems that exist without worrying about going through the re-election process, which I believe is the single most detrimental aspect of the entire system.

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