Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

This would all be so much more humorous if it weren't so f'ing serious. We are witnessing the decline of the west, in real time. The slippery slope that this nation is on only gets more steep by the day. Think back to this country in the 70's and how it slowly transformed by the 90's, 00' & early teens. Now, think about how dramatically it has changed in the last 10 years!! We are a GLOBAL LAUGHINGSTOCK. I served this country in the Marine Corps and traveled extensively. The perception of Americans, and this country abroad has changed for the worst far beyond what I could have imagined and we let it happen. No nation lasts forever.

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Feels like end of empire vibes, for sure.

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Karma is a bitch. The west exploited the world for the past 500 years. The exploited more understand the game and aren't going to let it continue.

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Tulsi would be a good choice - a brave choice so not sure if the “advisors” could go along.

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Never will happen. She will stop the money laundering to Ukraine.

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Michelle , queen of the Hamptons. Please rise up and save us. Cat fight Kamala for the throne!!! 😹

Like you said, only the worst need apply.

Love Tulsi!

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

She is the only person with more dementia in the entire country.

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

It’s a great move by the dnc to stimulate the economy, I personally will be buying a lot more popcorn if they jettison Joe.

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

The Tulcinator destroyed Kamala "Kackles" Harris in the Democrat presidential debates in 2020, but didn't fare well herself in the polls. Best VP choices for Trump would be Elise Stephanik or Byron Donalds, with Tim Scott a distant third. So he will probably choose J.D. Vance, who does nothing for his chances of getting elected.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Quoth the Raven

What a revoltin' development this is...George Riley, the Thing and me. Breashears, Shapiro occur off the top of my head. They're young and smart and have time to wait out this shit show. Neither of them has the Eau de Obama when he shot the gap and beat out Hillary when it was "her turn." I'm abandoned by both parties. The problem (one of them anyway) after the "reforms" of 1968 is that the "Smoke Filled Rooms" were essentially replaced by primaries. This led to the loudest most radical minority to gather and so 20%+/- on the left (I'm not sure there's a right anymore, as Trump is the least "Conservative" politician ever in the GOP. Hell Clinton was a great Republican president) and right gather to put up the worst possible people and the other 60% of us gave to hold our noses. D's are trapped in DEI, quota, anti-racism Hell, and R's seem to have no ideology, as Trump has none. Every day is Festivus-- airing of grievances. He did as he was told by McConnell in his SCOTUS picks and otherwise followed the his ample gut. No control of immigration, though he talked big, no withdrawal form Afghanistan which would have been a shot show no matter what, with respect to those who died on the way out. I could go on, but I just had to swallow the barf at the back of my throat. My dad voted for Henry Wallace when he was first able to vote. I may vote for RFK Jr.

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Jul 4Liked by Quoth the Raven

I had come to that same conclusion, Tulsi as VP, a few months ago after listening to her on Lex Friedman's podcast. It would have the potential to realign some political lines in the sand and send us further down the path to a 7th political party realignment. This realignment needs to happen sooner than later if the Republic is to be salvaged. When it comes to politics, Trump seems to love to do everything the hard way, so he probably wont pick her and will pick JD Vance. Not a barn burner of a choice.

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Jul 4Liked by Quoth the Raven

Thanks Chris. I agree that Tulsi would be Trump's best choice. I am normally not very favorable towards female politicians, but Tulsi has proven she's smart, fast thinking, courageous, and she knows the Demon Rat Party inside and out, and she's really an American who cares. Well Trump select her? Who knows. In the end does it matter as long as The Fed has total control of the money?

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Jul 3Liked by Quoth the Raven

Luckily, I'm voting Republican down ticket until Democrats decide to find the center and stand up for free speech, American greatness and patriotism, classical education, equality, and remembering what a woman is, among other beliefs they have shrugged off. This may never happen. Because of this, I hope they put Kamala up. However, it should worry everyone who has seen the hard leftward shift. She is probably most responsible for it and feels the need to perform her DEI shibboleths all the time. Division? Ha. We ain't seen nothin' yet. I love Tulsi and would prefer her myself. Vivek was my first choice, but no way Trump is going to let that happen. He might not be the center of attention and he's not going to allow that. (Yes, he is narcissistic. Anyone who wants to put themselves in that position usually is to some extent.) I think he's looking at Doug B. because money matters, but ugh. Boring.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Won't they pick Gavin? He's Xi's favourite.

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I doubt it. Kacklin’ Kammy and the black talking heads on MSNBC have warned that if a white man replaces Harris as the presidential candidate, there will be blood in the streets. We’re talking George Floyd—scale bloodshed, all across America.

I predict Michelle Obama will be selected at the convention, because she checks all the boxes — black, woman, close to the DNC’s power broker (Barak), and fairly well liked (because she has no track record of doing anything). Trump has been making good progress in appealing to blacks, but that would immediately stop if a black woman is the Democrat candidate. Big Mike would clean Trump’s clock in November, picking up votes from blacks, soccer moms, and many independents who really don’t like either current candidate.

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I believe Michelle wouldn't do it. She and Barak know where the true power lies and it isn't necessarily the White House. Ever see House of Cards? When Kevin Spacey realizes that the true power lies outside the White House in the hands of the Oligarchs.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

You may be right, Jim. She has certainly been consistent in her proclamations that she doesn’t want the job. But at this point, the Dems are desperate. The Trump train gains speed with every dirty trick they throw at him — impeachments, document raids, felony charges, corrupt prosecutors, corrupt judges, etc. They’ve tried everything to stop him short of assassination. Nothing has worked, and they’re out of tricks.

They know they’re heading for a rout in November, and the most despised man in history (not hyperbole to the Dem faithful, but actual fact) is about to take over America for the second time. Only this time, he’s wise to their tricks, and he doesn’t have to “play nice” because his entire term will be as a lame duck, since he can’t run again.

So the Dems, drenched in flop sweat, are looking for anything they can do to stop Trump. Poll after poll show that no matter who they run, they will lose. Except Michelle (see link). The Obamas may understand that their power lies outside the White House, but will that be true during and after the reign of Trump 2.0? They may not want to roll those dice.


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Great point and depressing polls. Just goes to show how absolutely pathetic our ruling elites are.

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Abed, are we in the worst timeline?

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“Kamala Harris is more threatening to those swing voters than a dead Joe Biden or a comatose Joe Biden."- James Carville

This is gonna be so delicious..

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Delicious indeed - perhaps to cement his legacy, Biden exits stage left giving us our first woman President, she returns him the favor with the Presidential Freedom award and calls bullshit at the convention on Gavin and the DNC…

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

If the delegates gave the faintest whiff of approval to Newsom, i think he would shred any rival, Michele being the lone exception. That dude's hair is as perfect as a London werewolf. He would answer anyone calling bs on the Party with a Himalayan range-sized load of his own. I wish this were not where we are...

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This was only one poll and it didn't consider electoral votes but guess who has polled better than most the current replacements for Biden: Joe Manchin. The swing voters appear to be the moderates.

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This will be Kamala’s best and only chance, with 91m in the account to start. She will outperform Biden’s current polling (as leaked on Puck)…won’t she? Seems the least worst option for the Democrats. Really, she ought to replace Joe today. Still, she will be trounced by Trump in the general, as will any Democrat. The public will deliver a verdict against the Ds no matter who runs.

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This may be a ploy to scare the electorate so bad Joe will get a 10 point poll surge just for hanging in there till November.

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