Meanwhile the real president, Jay Powell, rides the economy straight into 1929.

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1929 will be viewed as a Sunday school picnic compared to what is coming.

In the US, 82% of the population lives on 3% of the landmass............and 97% depend on a JIT food delivery system.

In 1929 the US had a moral fiber that is incomprehensible by the majority of Americans today. A 1929 style depression will be a blood bath. Tens of millions will die.

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and supposedly .....Jay Powell is doing this with every intention.......

eventually as the saying goes..........We the Sheeple will own nothing and be happy.......

if there is anyone that can't see this coming......i mean no disrespect but you are blind

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Sir... You should read Tom Luongo's to differentiate Jay from Davos... maybe it's different than You think... Jay=Cpt America, Davos=Hydra...



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It’s all an illusion anyway. To make normies believe they have a choice. In reality, with the possible exception of 2016, there has not been an election decided by actual votes for POTUS since 1956.

I don’t find Soros alleged support for DeSantis at all implausible. Soros wants a GOP candidate that can be easily defeated in November 2024. The ability to trounce the GOP nominee means less cheating that will come under scrutiny. Desantis has no chance against whomever the DEMS decide to install, given that the vast majority of the MAGA base will stay home.

He’s got this one entirely incorrect.

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Amazing to me that you think no election since 1956 has been legit........except 2016.

You still hold to the belief that Chump was some outsider..........that slipped up on them? LMAO

He was a deep state stooge from day one........and a LIAR during his entire campaign.

After what happened in 2020, it amazes me that you think the presidential winner is a random event.

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So do you need help with reading? Or perhaps comprehension? Or both? I’m going with both.

Let’s review.

“It’s all an illusion anyway. To make normies believe they have a choice. In reality, with the possible exception of 2016, there has not been an election decided by actual votes for POTUS since 1956”.

The paragraph above, reposted, seems quite clear to me. As it did to a few others. As to why it was not clear to you, see paragraph #1.

Note that I said “it’s all an illusion”. Acknowledging right at the beginning what you ascribe to in your final paragraph. “It’s all an illusion” could not be more unequivocal as to my position on elections. Did you skip that part?

Note that I did not claim the 2016 election was honest or without flaws. Note that I said “with the possible exception” thereby leaving wide open the possibility that 2016 was not decided by actual votes. And also leaving wide open the opportunity for someone to claim that even 2016 was an installation and not an election. Which apparently is your position, which is fine. But if you are trying to change my thinking from “possible exception” to no exception, actual facts are more effective than ad hominem attacks.

As to your last paragraph, you lost me there. Since I already made clear that I believe 15 of the 16 POTUS elections since 1960 were not honest, and since I indicated that 1 (2016) was a “possible exception” (but by inference not an absolute exception) the conclusion you draw that “[I] think the …winner is a random event” is not supported by what I wrote. Essentially you made it up out of nothing.

Tsk tsk. Words have meaning. Learn to use them correctly. Comprehension should be your first remedial course. Understanding nuance should be your second. Get through those successfully and I’ll suggest some additional advance subjects.

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My point was you offered a possible "exception" for the 2016 election? Why? Why would that "possibly" be an exception? Because TPTB were caught sleeping and didn't notice Chump's popularity? They didn't have access to the real numbers? They weren't data mining the chatter of millions of social media accounts?

If you think they have been manipulating since 1956, how could you ever imagine it is left to chance or "slip up" in the true age of Big Brother? Chump was no exception. He was just as much of the plan as Biden.

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Really? How about 2000? It was so close in FL that either Gore of Bush could have won. And that was extremely consequential, given the events of 2001.

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It's obvious that all that drama worked on you. Do you not find it interesting that Obama carried Florida in the next two elections? But today, Florida is viewed as a "conservative stronghold"?

That whole "hanging chad" drama was to keep the sheeple on the edge of their seat and reinforce that "voting matters."

In reality, you and I and the other 330 million Americans have no idea what sausage machine the numbers go through before they are posted to the public. In the digital age of algorithmic software control, they could shave numbers in multiple ways and no one would ever know.

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The deep state wins elections by making sure both candidates are on their team. I hate to break it to everyone, but it's pretty obvious at this point that DeSantis is the deep state "hedge" against their Dem candidates falling out of favor with the populace. Think about it: Ivy league background; law degree; served in the military, including Gitmo; meets the needs in terms of looking/sounding like the "perfect" conservative (nuclear family, professional demeanor, etc.); arrived on the political scene out of nowhere (sound like anyone?); won election by less than 1%; suddenly cast in the national spotlight once he did an about-face on covid; has only fought against culture war issues; mildly critiqued the Ukraine war then did a 360 and got back in line; then for good measure went to Israel to sign FL legislation (really, why would any FL governor do that?).

If that's not enough, the guy he narrowly beat for governor in FL was found with a dead male prostitute after the election. I mean, come on. You don't get much more "deep state" than that. He's the "conservative" Obama. He will fight the culture war stuff to keep people angry and distracted, but don't expect him to ever fight the forever war machine and its economic corollaries. He's on their side. So, we will be stuck with choosing b/w whatever CIA puppet the Dems put out there and another deep state candidate (RD) or a narcissist who may not be able to get anything accomplished (DJT). Good times.

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You make good points and bring up factual data.

It is amazing how stupid the populace in America really is at this point. After the 2020 cluster, you would think many would have awakened to the reality that they are sheep being controlled and played by the UNI-PARTY! I have never witnessed so many so deeply stupid in my whole life.

Go check out DeSantis' hate speech law........all you need to know about who he serves.


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Well put!

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With continued “ballot harvesting” in Maricopa, Arizona; Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, it really doesn’t matter which Republican is on the ticket.

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DeSantis kept the beaches closed in Florida longer than even California.

This is never talked about.

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This worries me about Desantis. Did he have "coming to Jesus" moment or did he read the political tea leaves on the right and move with political winds? I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt but....there is still little bit of doubt for me. With Trump, I know what I get, good (40%) and bad (60%) BUT he did get me Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett! If I am honest, 90% of Rs would have picked Roberts clones!

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A younger Trump without the Trump baggage is Vivek Ramaswamy.

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The article is patently false. DeSantis didn't fire his appointed Surgeon General during 2020; to the contrary, he extended his appointment through 2021 until he could no longer be employed by the state. Second, DeSantis did not "open up 100% despite Trump protests." DeSantis kept Florida partially closed until September, and Trump never protested a single decision of Desantis to open anything up. And any competent resesrcher has those receipts.

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DeSantis is an Israeli stooge. Any politician that flies to Tel Aviv to sign a law prohibiting people that he/she represents from speaking out against Zionism (violating people's first amendment rights) is in the pocket of AIPAC and the Knesset.


Both Trump and DeSantis are NOT going to represent Americans as both are beholden to Israeli interests. It amazes me how the Israeli influence on American politics is never discussed but then again...who owns and runs the media?

Bottom line - Don't bother voting for Federal elections. It's a waste of time and nothing will change. Remember most of the deep state (alphabet agencies - CIA/NSA/FBI/IRS, etc.) are unaccountable to anyone and are the biggest purveyors of tyranny. Thanks FDR!!! Instead, vote where it matters - local and possibly state elections.

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They are not beholden to "Israeli interests." They are beholden to the Jewish Banking Mafia interest. The "plight of Israel" is just the false minority, charitable front they use to keep the conservative, Christian Americans fooled.

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What's the difference? DeSantis was in Israel signing away Floridan first amendment rights so would that not mean Jewish Banking Mafia AND Israel government interest?

Agree on the charitable front. Too many American Christians are fooled by the whole Israeli homeland scam. If they would just crack open their Bibles, they would see that Israel is no longer the promised land. Besides most modern day Jews are of Eastern European heritage so they really not part of the Semitic people group. Ironically the Palestinians that they persecute are closer to Abraham's lineage than the modern day Jews!

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There is a huge difference between the "Jews" and "Israel."

Do you really think Schumer, Sanders, Adler, Schiff care about the nation of Israel and its people? That is a false assumption they use to pull at the heart strings of Americans.

I am talking about the Jewish mafia that runs the banking system, the tech industry, the media, and Hollywood. They hide behind the poor, down-trodden jews in Israel trying to survive the terrible onslaught of anti-Semitism.

It is no different than the way Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP use the black population in this country. They don't care about those people, but they will use them and their "plight" to manipulate others into getting what they want. The Jewish Bankster mafia uses Israel the same way.

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What poor down-trodden jews in Israel are you talking about? The nation of Israel is an apartheid state making Palestinians, Muslims and Christians second-class citizens. I understand what you are trying to say but I am just confused by the "plight" of Israelis in Israel as they are doing just fine under a system that elevates them into a protected class. It is ironic that Schumer, Sanders, Adler, Schiff lecture white Americans about racism and white superiority when they support a government that actively persecutes non-Jews.

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You know the "plight" is the mainstream narrative that is pumped into the American public 24/7.

You and I are in 100% agreement regarding the situation. I am just stating that there is a difference between the Israeli people in Palestine and the Jewish Bankster Cabal Mafia that runs Western finance that funds the globalist agenda in the world. Chump and DeSantis are beholden to the latter group and use the former as "righteous" cover.

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Thanks for clarification @HardcoreVeritas.

As always it is a pleasure to converse with you.

Good night.

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Newsom is such cal commie... I really hope a RFK/Gabbard ticket... draining their side of the swamp.

A dream I know

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Defeating the Biden/Obama bureaucratic state with the likes of Kennedy/Gabbard or even DeSantis/Kennedy (think the unity ticket idea by Bret Weinstein in 2020), would be our best possible outcome.

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And how does ANY president undo the tyranny by the deep state - CIA/NSA/FBI/IRS/EPA, etc. The alphabet agencies are unaccountable and make their own laws. Sure vote HARDER and hopefully things will change....

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Your dream is better than mine... :)

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OK. Now consider a balanced approach to your [someone else's] analysis of the Trump-DeSantis contest -


When you know/realize that Trump is untouchable, all other arguments don't stand up...

I won't unsubscribe you for this, but...

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Sure, who doesn't like the debate......the contest.......the competition?

But the reality is, it really doesn't make a difference which captain you put at the helm of the Titanic. The debt is terminal. No president is going to "fix" that. Everyone wants to hope and hope no matter what that we can somehow fix this and pull ourselves out of this nightmare........but math will not be cheated or denied.

From a policy decision standpoint, there is about a 2% difference between the two. This is not a "make or break" scenario for our future. I mean, hell, we have put up with idiots for how long now?

When Chump was in office, he did ZERO to address the debt.......other than to increase it at a record pace. I won't vote for any of the contenders at this point. DeSantis signed some "hate speech" legislation regarding the Jews. Had a signing ceremony while in Israel. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-signs-bill-combat-hate-crimes-israel-rcna81799

Has he ever heard of the 1st Amendment? Oh! You mean free speech is only for what he agrees with? Well, if that is the case, then he can stick it up his ass. Free speech is free speech. When you make laws that make my opinion illegal, you can kiss my ass. That's a slippery slope.......and as unconstitutional as hell!

Voting is a scam to make the sheeple think they have a say in the matter. Well, they don't. And if you don't realize that voting is a joke, then it is high time you wake up.

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Jeb! Light

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-- I am not so sure that Trump won't debate. If DeSantis is pulling more than 20s, Trump will have no choice, despite his current posturing. And Trump is pretty good in debates.

-- I think Trump has the best chance in a General Election, despite all his numerous flaws. Trump recognizes that the overturn of Roe turned most suburban women and young voters into single issue voters. Abortion rights is the only thing they really care about, because without abortion, there can be no sexual freedom at all. DeSantis wants national abortion bans. There is no way DeSantis can win MI, WI, PA, AZ, or VA in a 2-man contest against any Democrat - even Kamala Harris.

-- I can't see Biden resigning. He knows that he is the only Dem who can beat Trump, because of his uniquely "likeable" demeanor as seen by TV-watching swing voters. He could be forced out by impeachment and conviction if enough evidence develops that even Chucko Schumer wants him out, but he will not resign.

-- If Trump is taken out, the Democrats will breathe easier. They know that any Dem, even Kamala Harris, who has the worst PR skills of any Dem, can easily defeat DeSantis on the Abortion issue alone.

-- There could be a deep recession by Election Day, but that will not help the Republicans unless their candidate is Trump. Recessions make voters move Left, and also dramatically increase the demand for Abortion.

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Biden has already announced his candidacy for 2024.

For him to bail on the election now would practically demand a health crisis of some kind--and that's unlikely because that would open too many cans of worms about his current physical and mental state.

If he has a heart attack or a stroke, then he'll step down. But it will have to be a very public cardiac event. Otherwise there will be a Joe Biden on the ticket come November 2024.

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According to the actuarial tables, a man of Biden's age has a 10% chance of dying before the 2024 election. And he clearly has health issues - particularly with his brain. If the DS wants to push him off the stage, they could always release another "gain of function" special, which has the added benefit of creating a new emergency.

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Missed the Mark... Mark Meadows, that is. It was shocking to watch Birx and Fauci setting the message in direct contradiction to what Trump was saying back then. It falls to the Chief of Staff to make sure the White House team is on the same sheet of music. Birx and Fauci should have been told "Get off TV, or you will be banned from all federal buildings." You see, they can't really be "fired" per se as government employees. But the President can ban them from the White House and any other federal property.

The whole fiasco belongs at Mark Meadows' doorstep.

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This is a great substack community. Very smart arguments and Very few ad hominem replies.

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