Agree with all of this. It's so obvious that I've gone from disgust with her ideas to pity for what she must feel like behind the scenes. They are basically telling her constantly NOT to be herself, don't talk, don't screw it up, etc. And, all this from people who CLAIM to be supporting a woman for President. They just need her there to keep THEIR power. There's nothing supportive about telling someone to be anyone but themselves and that their ideas are not good enough to mention.

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Very well said, as usual. Comped you an extra 3 months on your sub. Always love your comments.

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Thanks much!

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Don’t feel pity; I’ve read she’s a nightmare to work for.

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The 92nd Street Y website has a 2019 hour-long interview with Kamala, in which she does nearly all the talking (see link below). In this interview Kamala comes across as being as phony as a three-dollar bill, but at least it perhaps offers a little better view of what she's really like in-person.

At the 46:16 time mark she talks about why she opposes Trump's border wall, and then goes on to answer a question about what she would do as President. She's with a very friendly audience, so she is speaking very freely throughout the interview.


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Thank for this! Will watch..

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It's all diversionary Kabuki theater for the Dems. They got you focusing on the games and ignoring the massive election fraud . Playing 4 D chess . Republicans and Trump have no idea what will hit them. The public knows but the political bigwigs are oblivious. Traditional campaigns no longer win the Presidency when voting machines are hacked and ballots don't require accurate dates and signatures.

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Perhaps I'm wrong but I sense that more ppl (than are openly talking about it) are aware that the Sith, I mean, the Democrats, have total domination as their endgame. We're in our own Weimar Republic at present.

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Yes. Check out the Stack, Omega4America. Horrifying if accurate.

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When you can print an infinite number of ballots, stop the counting while the pallets are loaded and delivered to where they are needed, and delay results for days, nothing else matters.

No Democrat since FDR has won without some level of shenanigans, the outright cheating began with Kennedy, the in your face cheating with Obama, and the you can’t do anything about it with Bidan.

The GOP and the RNC allow it to happen.

Buy metals. Of all types. And have a plan B.

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I believe there’s a lot of Democrat shenanigans going on behind the scenes even now. They pushed out President Shitzinpantz to run someone who could actually win, but Joe screwed that up by cutting his puppeteers’ strings and endorsing Kacklin’ Kammy. Now they’re stuck with her. Nobody thinks she’ll win against Trump, which is why they picked the cowardly lion as her running mate. The Dem cabal didn’t want to run and lose anyone with a future in the Party, so they put up two sacrificial candidates who will never be heard from again.

But the Secretaries of State in swing states haven’t gotten the memo, so they’re ramping up the biggest election fraud in history. I believe that, much to everyone’s surprise, Horrible Harris will win the 2024 election, even in the face of all polls going Trump’s way, just like FJB did in 2020. Then what? If the Dems control Congress, we’re all screwed, and there will not be much of America left to Make Great Again in 2028. That’s why it’s vitally important to vote for down-ballot Rs to control Congress and stop America’s final slide down the tubes.

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100% on board with you QTR. Will forward to my friends with TDS because it makes me happy to do so, not because I have any hope or even desire that they change their minds.

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She is dumb. Exhibit A: Failed the bar. The bar is easy, even for law grads of marginal intellect who just study.

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Not very smart & lazy. Has she ever had to fight & compete for her job/position?

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A masterful recap of recent American leftism. We can only hope conservative democrats wake up fast.

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It’s seems like years ago that debate between Jojo and Trump and I could’ve sworn he actually said, “Can you believe this fucking guy?!?”

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This is one of your masterpieces, Chris. This one, beautifully crafted......"But if Democrats are experts at one thing, it’s micromanaging things to death out of narcissistic adoration for their own faux intellect—hence we get genius ideas like price-fixing the economy, defunding the police, minting a trillion dollar coin, segregating college campuses to fight racism or trying to tell you what type of stove you can use at home." I know the list is long, but the mRNA shot mandates that are still happening deserve an honorable mention.

Imagine if this would come up in a debate? Warp-speed Trump could actually score points if he came out and blasted Biden/Harris for this tyranny and the related censorship. He personally knows about Twitter censorship...but maybe he has? I'm sitting in the upper bleachers for this election cycle so I am far from attentive.

Again, cleverly written...even if beer induced. 😊

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No beer, believe it or not. Just disbelief in life in general…once again. LOL

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There are those who are stupid enough to believe that they can vote their way out of a system that is actively oppressing and killing them.

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Her appearance convinced no one of anything. Her supporters will continue to support her. But there's little possibility that any fence-sitter was drawn to her side with that vapid excuse for an interview.

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Great article, Harris seems to be a modern day Edith Bunker without the genuine compassion. She is a ditz and how anyone with the sense of a centipede would vote for her is beyond comprehension.

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Good one Chris. Did you read Marvin Barth or catch him on Grant Williams podcast? He thinks Trump wins a landslide. For sure team Kamala wants Trump on a hot mic. I hope he has found the discipline to let her spew her word salads.

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Well said. Mark Spiegel said to me after this article “You have it backwards. They want unmuted mics because they're hoping Trump won't be able to contain himself and will look like an unhinged bully.“

And he might damn well be right.

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Based on the first 2020 debate, that's hard to argue with .

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Trump supporters always overestimate him and his detractors always underestimate him.

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Great observations. The goal seems to be to manufacture hype so that the gap between candidates is perceived to be close enough that they can print their way to success. The media will of course be supportive so Trump has to convincingly win the debate and generate a large enough victory margin. Keep in mind too, that battleground states like Michigan have democratic state leadership— unlike 2016. Similarly Wisconsin has a democratic Supreme Court ready to tilt scales as needed too.

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Raven...man that piece was killer. A masterful enumeration of everything the Democratic party's PR apparatus is shitting bricks over this very moment 🚽 KH's subpar extemporaneous speaking skills gonna be lit. Beware tampon shortages in the boy's rooms as progressive asswipes turn them into improvised earplug devices. LMFAO

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"Beware tampon shortages in the boy's rooms as progressive asswipes turn them into improvised earplug devices."

Comment of the year LOL. Comped you another 3 months on your sub.

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Raven...dude that is so righteous...not tryna take bread from you but muchas gracias, it is sincerely appreciated! 🙏

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Great assessment with the usual hilarious hyperbole glazed insults. Brought a smile to my face.

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More than anything, America needs a competent and economically knowledgeable leader who can unite the country. The chance of Kamala Harris (or the folk behind the curtain) doing that is ZERO.

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