Corruption is everywhere we look. I have come to terms with that. What the REAL crime is forcing people to take this toxic concoction or else lose their jobs or healthcare, etc. That is a human rights violation at the same level as what the Nazi's did to the Jews. Nuremberg Trials codified the right to refuse any shot..that was ignored. To date, nothing has been done legal-wise to make sure this does not happen again. So that tells me it will happen again....

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Being forced to choose between taking the shot and keeping your job is harsh. Even wrong.

Being forced onto a train to a death camp doesn’t belong in the same category.

Get a grip.

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Ah the death camps... that were all over Germany... and then only in soviet occupied Germany... the original historical fact that is illegal to question

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Do go on, you’re welcome to display your enlightenment here.

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Well that's just the thing Leslie, it's a topic that is illegal to discuss, so no, no one is welcome anymore to display any enlightenment on this subject.

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Bergen-Belsen was near Hanover. Dachau in Bavaria. Many more lesser know all over the country and in other countries during the war.

Would it not be better to show how you are censored than pretend to cower?

Alluding to censorship and hinting at conspiracy displays only ignorance.

I leave it to you to show otherwise.

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And I won't discuss this anymore. Do your own research... it's still permitted. Debating it, is not. This in itself SHOULD be a sign... And if you're keen on not being seen to be ignorant... then do it... or simply accept what you've been told and continue in ignorance

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Funnily enough, both places, having previously been flagged as 'death camps' with gas chambers, upon further investigation, it was clear neither had any. As I said, it's only in soviet occupied territory where there 'were' any... all previous references to such places in West Germany were proven false. This is just a fact. It's also a fact that many people died in German concentration camps in the west and the east.

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And what happened in Australia? Folks were sent to camps if they had COVID or refused the shots. You are not thinking this through...what happened with the Nazis is the final solution and if you do not think any of the current governments are capable of this, you are deluded. The US govt put Japanese Americans in camps. The Russians had the Gulags. The evil perpetrated by governments in the past 100 years is astounding. Yet I am the one that must get a grip.

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A small example of the difference between Australia today and Nazi Germany might be the 2022 election, in which the incumbent Party was tossed from power.

Elections. I know, minor difference, but still being implemented in the countries you cite, and perhaps something to consider.

I will readily concede mistakes were made, sometimes on a grand scale, but it was early in a Pandemic where overreach could have been eventually seen as prudent.

Fortunately, the virus was not as deadly as worst case scenarios projected. Next time we may not be so lucky.

Those that oppose the governments and their respective approaches to public safety, as I stated, are welcome to voice their opposition at the ballot box, not an option in Nazi Germany if my history is correct.

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That's the thing...Fauci was calling all the shots (masking, vaccine mandates, etc.) and he is not accountable to the voters. The pandemic management in the US was directed by CDC who is funded by Pfizer and is totally corrupt as they are captured by the very industries they are suppose to regulate. The CDC is an agency (like the CIA or NSA) and voters have no say on direction the CDC takes. Over time the CDC has been proven wrong numerous times but during the pandemic there was no way to push back. In fact, the CDC was actively pushing censorship on Facebook, Youtube, etc. The Twitter files exposed all of this.

Overreach does not mean treating people like shit and taking away their civil rights.

Question: How do I voice my opposition at the ballot box when dealing with an unaccountable corrupted agency that is doing all the decision making?

Biden just signed over our pandemic management to WHO - how do we voice opposition to WHO?

If anything, you need to get your head out of the sand and realize that voting does not do shit.

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Well, it’s obvious to me you look at different sources for information than I do.

And Twitter files, I’ve yet to see anything but allegations in that department. Nothing substantiated. You got anything?

All the best.

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LOL - I guess you are one of those MSNBC or Fox viewers.


And you never answered my question...how do you 'vote' to change an agency that is unaccountable to voters? NSA is still violating the law by spying on us and US govt is still killing Assange and still wants to kill Snowden. This is not a government that "cares" about you or me...

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Just another load of lab leak bollocks... change the fuckin record... and stop perpetuating the virus narrative...

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It is so completely obvious to any intelligent thinking man or woman that this virus and this "pandemic" were concocted.

What happens from here is up to human behavioral instincts, intelligence, media influence and the purveyors of this global takedown's ability to direct the outcomes. They are going to fucking LOSE because morality, decency and God are in control. As always.

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Mate... blathering on about intelligent men and women and then going onto say god is in control... that's pretty amusing/scary

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So, German Citizen Klaus Schwab who is the FACE of the Great Reset would have been absolutely DELIGHTED if a pandemic for the world escaped wuhan and started reducing the population, but of course nothing like the reduction in population from the Vaccines.

Germans all over the outbreak cause and old Klaus wetting himself with GLEE?

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Well imagine that.

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There was a report I read Drosten met with Maerkel about the virus and response to it in early summer 2019.

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Mar 21, 2023
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Ah, that’s pretty crazy to think.

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