Great article. Proves what we always suspected

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It doesnt "prove" anything...

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There was a study by German professor Wiesendanger of Uni Hamburg in Feb 2021 who came to a similar conclusion.

English version here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350709266_The_Origin_of_the_Coronavirus_Pandemic

German version here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349302406_Studie_zum_Ursprung_der_Coronavirus-Pandemie

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Excellent find! I shall read it carefully.


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Nice find Raven!!!!

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It was really started in a US bioweapons lab in North Carolina. Obama stopped funding gain of function research. Two Harvard Scientists brought it to Wuhan.

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No other, not most, not many, not a lot, no other SAR's viruses have an ACE-2 high affinity FCS in the spike protein. Yet, we are expected to believe nature just conjured this bit up in the market. Let's subpoena Ralph Baric, and ask him.

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Trust the Science(tm), unless the science goes against the narrative of our overlords

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Trust nothing. Verify everything.

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I said over two years ago that the furin cleavage site is the smoking gun, based on an excellent paper in 2020 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7095063/). Now Dr. Ebright has connected the dots to research grants to WIV that Fauci had to approve, to insert the human cleavage site into bat viruses. See his tweets, follow the reference dots. The scientific debate about safety has raged for more than a decade. Now watch it disappear from MSM, and perhaps even twitter.

Fauci is wise to retire before a change of administration. But do not expect a public apology to Senator Dr. Rand Paul, who called him out and he called a liar. https://youtu.be/8x2m_6J3bBU

Fauci knew all along that lab escape was far more likely than natural origin. But he quickly embargoed any discussion of that possibility. He approved the research on gain of function at a woefully sloppy and impossible to monitor lab IN CHINA! A lab created and overseen by The People’s Army. Basically, nobody wanted it done in their backyard, so they farmed it out to the Chinese, probably thinking let them deal with a pandemic from the escape. Little did they imagine just how successful the gain of function would become!

See, another conspiracy theory come true! I definitely need some new ones…

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Here is the paper that led me to conclude in early summer 2020 that the deliberate insertion of the human furin cleavage site was the most rational explanation for the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Nobody believed it then, and friends and relatives told me I was paranoid, because almighty Fauci and CNN said so, and he knows more than me. Ha! I’m not a politician like Phony Tony, but I am at least as much a science nerd!

I was one of the unfortunates that caught Covid-19 in the very beginning, March 7, 2020, in a New Orleans jazz speakeasy. The month I spent recuperating, once I could think and breathe and read again while exhausted in bed, I began searching the literature to understand the disease. I am not a virologist, but a research-trained physician (psychiatry), so I can understand most medical science research papers, if they are well written. I have a directory of hundreds of papers I downloaded over the years in iCloud, on all sorts of topics, so it took a bit to find this one. But it is very well written to explain to non-scientists the logic of its argument. It came out in April, as I was convalescing.


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My guess is Fauci and other insiders did know. And that it helped the operation to use the virus for political ends. All you’d need to do is whisper the truth behind the scenes to gin up fear among the second tier bureaucrats tasked with implementation of the draconian policies. Very effective. Insider knowledge plus fear may have gotten some key people on board. Then appeal to their sense of superiority in cautioning that regular people can’t handle the truth.

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readers should note that the Andersen paper cited above claims the sequence excludes a lab origin. I saw earlier arguments that the lack of engineered restriction sites is proof. Sure maybe using approaches common 25 years ago. Another basis for the claim is that, that if engineered, they would have made additional mutations to make even higher ACE2 binding affinity. Crazy logic. Anyway, curious to what struck you as the most compelling features you found in their data. FCS+codon usage?

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This is obvious. Everyone who lacks a conflict of interest already knows the virus came from WIV. At this point it does not matter anyway. The origins of SARS2 change nothing. The real questions are (a) was COVID deliberately released, and (b) where the next one will come from. And yes, there will be a next one, and it will probably be worse. Much worse. The COVID pandemic seems to me much like a dry run for the real deal. The only other question in my mind is will the next one be deliberately released, or will it be natural? And if natural, will it be derived from SARS2 (perhaps by recombination with MERS), or something like Bird Flu or Nipah?

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for all the covid zealots who yelled at you for not wearing a mask to not care about the origin of the virus is dumbfoundingly hypocritical.

more died of covid (generously saying a 1% IFR) than from nuclear weapon detonations (all detonations). how closely regulated + how much oxygen is consumed working against the proliferation of nukes - yet gain of function research increased 10 fold since the pandemic and no one raises any objection.

now from the US senate testimony we learn there is evidence china/the people's liberation army is performing research (gain of function or otherwise) on the nipah virus with closer to a 50% IFR/infection fatality rating.

the world allowed governments to tyrannically lock down whole societies for something which was NOT a risk to the vast majority of us - and we dont care if bio weapons research is occurring on a potential doomsday weapon? for comparisons sake - the black plague / bubonic plague had approx 20-25% IFR.


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Who has anything to gain from deliberately releasing pathogens like COVID? Unless we resort to germ warfare where one side has the vaccine and the other doesn't.

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The people who use it as a pretext for stomping on our liberty while facilitating the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

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Isn't that kind of after the fact though? Not disagreeing with the shit show post infection.

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Harvard has become ( in my mind ) a school churning out evil. Harvard scientists come up time and time again in every step of the creation of this bioweapon and I am talking back as far as 2001

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That SARS-CoV-2 (CCPVirus) originated in a Wuhan Lab was supported by a preponderance of the evidence as early as spring of 2020.


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What a bunch of bunk. The fake virus has never been isolated and purified. Smarty pants word salad is still just that.

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Great post.

Won’t sink in with those balls deep in the narrative.

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We’ve always been at war with Eurasia. Lab leak has been cleared as a proper topic by leadership, haven’t you heard?

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“Absence of proof is not proof of absence of a lab leak. Or something more sinister.

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Common sense! And given al the other corruption we have seen by Gov officials over the last 12 years one would have to be stupid to believe this was not man made!

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Most comprehensive summary of publications on lab origin of Covid-19 is compiled by Charles Rixley, IMO


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honestly,Labs in Ukraine.In Ukraine,unnatural infectious occur every few years.and Ticks found in winter in Russia.add,It's strange that s vaccine could be developed without knowing the origin of the virus.Im nurse and also studying law.find out more

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