The one and only thing I’ve taken from this whole “2 weeks to flatten the curve” Ordeal is this:

Whatever the government tell you to believe, believe the opposite. Whatever the government tell you to do, do the opposite.

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100% truth - the older i get the more i realize they make zero good decisions. It is a group of uneducated power crazy people. They do not live in the real world and they think they are smarter than everyone else and just want to control our lives.

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The thing I've taken from this whole ordeal is this:

When the government strips your rights and pins a scarlet letter to your chest this will happen to the widespread applause of the general population.

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Same thing for the media

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It’s all about the mid-terms. There isn’t any hope for a sustained return to reason and rationality by those in charge of media and policy administration until they’re not the ones administering policy or running the media any more. This is all damage control in the name of protecting their political patrons/symbiotes. Watch for a return to irrationality (that is indistinguishable for contempt for human prosperity - and may actually be just that) after the mid terms.

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This is not a return to reason. This is pulling 1 step back after 100 paces forward trampling on our liberty. The federal government, many state and local governments, and pretty much the entire democratic party have rendered home imprisonment, mandatory injections, and arbitrary rule by executive whim something many, if not most, Americans are accepting or downright supportive of. We are still 99 steps further down the road to tyranny. This is not a cause for celebration.

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It's not enough to just reverse COVID policies - there needs to be serious punitive action and also financial restitution for people who lost jobs due to this nonsense

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Hopefully more people have developed a critical eye for things.

They will need it for what is coming next...

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The CDC is a vaccine company, and fakes a pandemic every couple of years or so to sell vaccines. They hype the flu every year to sell vaccines, and don't tell anyone that vitamin D alone reduces the risk of getting the flu to near zero. All vaccines cause far more harm than good.

Here is an outstanding compilation of many vaccine articles:


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I panicked for about 2 weeks in Jan 2020, and began stockpiling supplies, way ahead of the curve.. In early Feb, a neighbor who was an operating room nurse told me it was all B.S., and I had to bite my tongue to keep from calling him full of it. But I immediately set to work doing my own research online…and came to the conclusion he was right.

Difference with the author is: I knew about the typical vaccine development schedule of 5-10 years, and knew why: 200,000 kids were *given Polio by the 1st Polio vaccine, and the Thalidomide Babies - all due to incomplete testing. Much to the anger of friends and neighbors, I sounded the alarm about irresponsible vaccines. ‘Being Right’, however, carries no rewards whatsoever.

I have to admit I enjoy rubbing it in -with every health pronouncement, I now fly a 3x5 flag on the front of the house: contains a graphic of lemmings running over a cliff :))))

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So so good. The Pelosi pic absolutely sent me. The US needs more free thinkers and less hacks. The media and government especially. Appreciate you.

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The CDC should have never had "a grip". They're supposed to advise the people that make laws. What happened to "our precious democracy" that liberals are always crowing about? Did your reps in congress get a vote on anything the CDC has passed down from on high? Mine didn't -- not that they would object -- but at least they're accountable to their votes. And voted-in legislation can be overturned by courts and future laws. Dictates from CDC have no such qualities. It's complete dictatorial, authoritarian tyranny.

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Whitewashing Tfg's handling of the COVID threat, racist comments and general conservative good, not conservative bad narrative fails to clear the critical thinking bar. Your mixing of political philosophy with the subject matter only serves to diminish your analysis and conclusions.

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Can you provide specific examples for your critique points? I see you invoked the concept of critical thinking while only attacking the man(evidence: accusation of whitewashing without example, accusation of racism without example, accusation of general conservative bent without explaining why that is always bad), followed by a lazy straw man argument ("Your mixing....only serves to diminish your analysis and conclusions.").

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Your thinking is foggy cfrog. Pointing out the political seasoning of the analysis/conclusion is the specific example. Downplaying Trump's knowledge of the lethality of COVID, a la the tapped conversation with Bob Woodward, which is now common knowledge proves the minimalist reference to Trump is whitewashing. My statement about diminishing the argument with political seasoning is not argument. It is my stated conclusion from incorporating critical thinking; whether or not you agree with the statement.

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Ah, the old ‘my comments are right because they are my comments’ technique.

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Now that's a presentation of facts that refutes the post you're commenting on. NOT!

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Hook, line, and all caps. I was just identifying your approach to the conversation which was analogous to using an emoji as an answer to an algebra problem. But hey, that’s like, my opinion man. Have a good one.

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" As much as I’d like to go full Barry Horowitz and spend this article patting myself on the back... " the rest of the article is exactly this.

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Iron's is smart like that; I'd buy him a beer for the last paragraph alone, so it's ok that he pats himself on the back....he was right.

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Easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled. Pharmaceutical industrial complex rebranded the flu and y'all cast out freedom advocates to preserve your preciousness. Instead of standing up to tyrants you joined like brown shirts.

Weaponized wokeness claiming health comes in a syringe from the most sued companies of all time.

Hopefully you've gained some faith in mother nature and your own durability.

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Let's not kid ourselves. This country, and the world, is, and has been, on the elitist's calculated, brutal, unrelenting march toward totalitarianism. See lockdowns, medical/scientific tyranny and fraud, censorship, energy destruction, food destruction, industrial concentration/consolidation, and politicized/militarized law enforcement just to name a few. The CDC is but a tool, and quarantine/masking just a tactic. I doubt they will permit votes to derail their complete control. There are not enough prisons for them should light be shone. I believe their militarized law enforcements stand ready to rein violence on any organized/scalable resistance. I fear peaceful restoration of individual liberty is in the very tail of the probability distribution. They will have more to come.

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The only thing I guarantee will happen is none of the sociopaths in DC and the various state capitals will acknowledge any fault whatsoever. At most, they will simply claim they were just following guidelines from the CDC, whatever. So they are either clueless morons incapable of critical thinking or they are complicit in a scheme to decimate the middle class and small business and further divide the (mostly clueless) populace.

No admission of mistakes, because accountability is so last century.

At least more of the peasantry will never trust any government agency again. That is the one good thing to come of all this madness.

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Great write up. Much enjoyed your rendering of "The Nonsense." Regarding the Fed ... I guess you are either unaware or you dismiss/discount the narrative thread put forth by Tom Luongo (of Gold, Goats & Guns "fame"). His take on the Fed of late can be boiled down to "the enemy of my enemy is my current friend." It's a unique and compelling way of analyzing and he's been largely on point (like you QTR). He's a cantankerous, entertaining and engaging guy (also like you QTR :-) Although you may differ on certain things (the Fed in the current moment) he's a like mind and worthwhile ally in the good fight!

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The last paragraph nails it: "The recent CDC guideline change is... a long overdue and much needed return to reason.". One of the bright spots is this debacle was the fragmentation of US States in their response to Federal Covid guidelines: some embraced and amplified, some diminished and minimized. This was a bright spot; it showed a constructive way to address differences in policy. Much better than treating the problem like the only two options are to take the anarchy doom pill or the cult of all central authority pill.

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