The "high efficiency" appliances are a joke that achieve the opposite of their intended goals. Since nothing ever gets clean on the first wash or cycle, you need to run more of them. I almost always have to wash dishes twice, use the heavy duty cycle on the dishwasher and washing machine, AND run an extra rinse cycle.

That said, articles like this miss the mark. Today's leftists do not want to take us forward to some utopian society, nor backward to the 1950s nor even the middle ages. They want to take us all the way back to the dawn of civilization, where there were no washing machines, no dishwashers, no fridges, no A/Cs, no heaters, no showers, no toilets, and no light sources at all other than the sun and maybe a fire. And if they could, they'd block out the sun and regulate who can have fire. Their policies are not being pursued in good faith and are intentionally destructive of the civilization that has been built. A civilization they despise. They are a death cult.

Despite their moniker, they are the opposite of progressive. If they were progressive, they'd be arguing for machines that work better and last longer. They'd focus on removing the planned obsolescence built in to nearly every disposable piece of junk we are forced to buy today. And they'd be arguing for energy sources that were denser and cleaner (nuclear), not less dense, polluting, and destructive of nature ("green" technologies).

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Before I buy a lifetime subscription, I would generally like to know your age, health status and of course vaccine history.

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I'm not sure it's Socialism. Over-regulation can be imposed by "National Socialism" as in government takeover of the means of production e.g., Nazi Germany (The Autobahn was a wonderful achievement). Life in the state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short. Thanks for the observations, but it's not Socialism; maybe it's the "government by bureaucrats" who are not elected, suffer no consequences for f@cking things up (anyone at the FED ever have a callous or actually have to make payroll? That's why I'm against term limits. By the time legislator learn the ropes, they have to leave. Dept. of HHS people NEVER leave.

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Dunno about this one. I’m definitely NOT going to defend socialism here, but in Europe those waterless urinals have been around for decades and I’ve never experienced any issues with stench. However, I’ve lived in the US for a while and I know that in the US there are big issues with 1) overall poor hygiene 2) cheap and lousy construction and 3) an over-reliance on chemicals.

I’m not a ‘toilet expert’ (lol!) except for my own physiological daily needs, but I think I remember reading years ago when these things started popping up in Europe that those waterless urinals need a certain ‘ecosystem’ (‘good’ bacteria to prevent smell) so if I remember correctly then using bleach is not allowed, furthermore and you will need to clean the floor and the rest of the facilities of course. On top of that, you need of course the correct plumbing.

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Virtue signaling plus the spice of “can you top this”?

“Oh you’re jabbed? That’s cute. I support jab MANDATES baby!!”

“Oh your agency supports low volume toilets? That’s cute. My workplace implemented ZERO FLUSH toilets baby!!”

Consideration of long term consequences, or engineering/math, not required.

I live in TN. This past Christmas we had 1 week of rolling blackouts. Utility (TVA) and media blamed “abnormally cold weather”, yet failed to mention or quantify the generating capacity taken offline the past 2 years as TVA shuttered coal plants due to environmental pressure.

Makes me happy to see articles like this. To decide whether a thing is either “good” or “bad”, we must consider the pros and the cons. If we consider only the cons, we can make an argument to ban everything on the face of the earth.

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Yeah government can put out some ridiculous requirements sometimes. On the other hand did you live in LA in the 70s and experience the devastating pollution put out by industry and autos(which, ahem, would not have been so ubiquitous had Ford/GM not closed down the government Red Lines mass rail transit) and which the EPA fixed? Or are you aware that Montrose Chemical was flushing DDT into the sewers in Torrance for years ultimately resulting in a ten square mile layer of the stuff on the seafloor off LA which, ironically, resulted in it's being banned? We need capitalism AND socialism but we need them to both behave themselves.

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💯👍🏻 Love this info & series!

I’m a former sustainability consultant... abandoned it all due to complete hijacking by the climate cult ... souled by socialism 🤮

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