“What is espionage? Official determinations of espionage are based on a holistic look at the data. Based on close examination by professional experts at the State Department and CIA have determined that it is unlikely this is spying or treachery.”

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Spoke with a client who sells on Amazon. He, like so many others, have their entire business /net worth tied to Chinese manufacturing. He obviously has ‘more understanding’ about China’s meddling. The long game indeed!

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Why should anyone be surprised? If the Chinese can own Biden they certainly can try to own Powell.

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Highly suspicious that this story 'dropped' in the Wall Street Journal, a nest for both intel and their Neocon actors. Stirring the pot, so to speak. Do the Chinese engage in espionage? Of course. Does it really matter to national security that they are trying to do at the Fed what Goldman Sachs and Blackrock do all the time? No. I call bullshit on the 'counterintelligence' source and the vast majority of the article.

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China has been stealing intellectual properties from the west for decades but since our political and managerial class have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for China's cheap labor in continuance of our landfill economy. Nothing will change. Our dementia patient in the White House has been grifting off China for decades and he is far from alone. Most politicians are in bed with someone and China has made it easy. We truly need to drain the swamp but unless a major black swan event does this for us, it ain't gonna happen. Pray, prepare, plan and RESIST.

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"Most politicians are in bed with someone and China has made it easy."

Ain't that the truth...

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I live in Thailand for the last 38 years. Society here is dominated by Chinese. They worship one thing only. That is money. Money is their God. They will do anything to acquire more money. Whatever helps them accomplish this, they will do.

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I didn’t know hookers . Wasn’t me

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From the perspective of my 9 years in the intelligence world, what we see is often not the reality. Take for instance those cameras. First, I'm sure they are capable of exhilarating data back to Chinese spies. I'm equally certain that US intelligence agencies are aware and have exploited them. Just like in law enforcement, you leave known thugs and baddies in place in order to map out networks and programs so you understand the full extent of the problem. You can also use that knowledge to feed disinformation back through trusted opposition sources and agents. That's more valuable than taking a piece off the board.

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exfiltrating... F#@!n auto correct

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Building up #45 unnecessarily undermines your credibility.

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Why am I reading this now? @BenHunt

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I’m a little hazy on the Trump tweet, to be honest it was a while ago and Trump tweets a lot of straight gobbledygook so I don’t follow religiously, but I think I remember that tweet specifically was Trump being mad that Powell wouldn’t lower rates or do more QE to keep the market going. He did his fair amount of drum banging about China during the trade wars but it seems like a big reach to presume he knew the Fed might have security breaches from that particular tweet.

I never saw Trump get mad about the deficit, I mean he made it bigger by a considerable amount. That’s an old school Republican talking point and Trump is any but a libertarian or a fiscal conservative. He was pissed Powell wouldn’t keep juicing the market because the markets ascendence was a favorite brag line of his until it turned south on him. Then there were no more tweets about that for a second.

Smart people know the president doesn’t have a ton to do with markets, because they’re almost 100% fed controlled at this point, but it doesn’t stop every president having their moment in the market sun from trying to take credit. I usually yawn.

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The #1 Issue We Face Today is That The Systems That Govern Our Lives Are Completely Corrupted.

Our systems no longer work for the people. We need to put all of our other issues aside and work together on this one line item. All parties. All people. Here's how:


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Are you in favor of the CHIPS Act? This country is falling due to the greed our leaders have blatantly displayed. Weak greedy leaders suck the life out of any country they govern. We are a nation of weak greedy leaders who have no honor. Get to know the representatives you vote for and hold them accountable for their stewardship of whatever they were elected to oversee.

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Pelosi defffff supports the CHIPS Act...as evidenced by her actions. @pelositracker_ on Twitter

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