"They constitute a prison worse than debt, paralysing as the latter may be; if you don’t play the game of spending them on what is permissible, you could literally be forced to live without food or shelter, that is, eventually to die."

Uh, excuse me, but there were several instances, in the US, of hospitals refusing to perform transplants or where patients were removed from a transplant list because they refused to get the Covid vaccination. I don't know if those patients are deceased but not receiving an organ transplant is a de facto death sentence.

CBDCs will be a modern panopticon where the populace can be observed and ruled from a distance. Dissent will be difficult unless you own land and have your own water and an independent power source.

Ah Kant.

"Kant uncovers the radical implications of his argument: if the ruler does not submit himself (or herself) to the very same rational rules that govern the citizens’ actions, there is no obligation on the part of the latter to obey such a monarch any longer.

In other words, rebellion is justified when authorities themselves do not act reasonably (which includes the tenets of ethical rationality), but, by implication, unjustifiably, if not aggressively, towards citizens."

Yes, this is presently the case in the US. Supposedly the US has given citizens a legal remedy to overthrow a non-productive government, but as January 6th shows, the penalty for such action will be met with a heavy-handed response and delayed justice while prisoners languish in cells without charges, for years. Abuse by the prison staff is rampant and allowed, no intervention is coming forthwith.

From the beginning of the article, this quote: "democracy is not immune to totalitarianism."

Indeed. But looking at the present US with clear eyes and a rational mind, the totalitarians are here and they will not give up power, easily, or without cost.

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As written in the Declaration of Independence "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." And thanks to the 2nd amendment, the US populace is quite well armed with many seemingly willing to fight for those rights the totalitarians would sooner keep for themselves.

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i find it telling that they were rolled out in nigeria a country where Christians are murdered every day for their FAITH IN GOD

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See "THE CONSEQUENCES OF SWIMMING NAKED" at revolutionaryroad.net

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