I remember when I was the problem for not getting vaccinated.

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Not getting the clot shot probably saved my life. At the very least, if it had a significant amount of spike protein, I could have had debilitating diseases to cope with.

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All of this points out to the weaponization of science. The shame of this is now we cannot trust anything in a science journal just like we cannot trust anything the US govt says. Oh by the way, the US govt is responsible for most of the grants to scientific research so that explains a lot of the lying and deception. This just points out the continued soft marxist takeover of US institutions and the like. We cannot trust any one or any thing except via our common sense and intuition. I, for one, am so glad I resisted calls to get vaccinated. I will never take another vaccine again.

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The insanity of taking a novel vaccine with no long term studies was lost on the sheep we call citizens. This whole chapter of science surrounding the Covid debacle shows criminal activity by those who were supposed to be looking out for well being of the population.

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Exactly. NO one has gone to jail or been subjected to fines or punishment for the COVID debacle. There literally is two levels of justice in the US. One for us plebeians and another for the elite.

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The "weaponization" of science? That occurred long ago. What we are seeing today is the reaping of the lies that were sown.

The entire biological world which would include the "science" of medicine, epidemiology, and virology is based on the lie of spontaneous evolution. When you base your entire world on the make-believe lie of evolution......that breaks the laws and rules of science on multiple levels........then there are no limitations on how the fairy-tale can be spun or the myriad of lies that can be formulated and foisted onto a dumbed down population of sheeple.

The "theory of evolution" is a horrendous joke that grows in its absurdity with each passing year.

If a person can believe the world we live in "just happened," and continued to design itself for millions of years, then that person can be convinced to believe most anything.

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@HardcoreVeritas - Excellent point on spontaneous evolution. It literally is a rehash of the spontaneous generation hypothesis that held sway for most of the 1800's. If I recall, Louis Pasteur proved it was a false hypothesis. The only reason spontaneous evolution is still with us is it is impossible to scientifically prove or disprove as the "millions of years" is a convenient 'out.' It has crossed the line from science to faith.

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Too late. Where were these “experts” when it really mattered. I didn’t believe any of them then, why should I now?

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Good point. Many folks were very afraid to speak out as they could lose funding and/or their accreditation. Again, with government control of both funding and accreditation, the system is ripe for abuse. We truly are living in a marxist dystopian world where free speech is only free if allowed.

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Agreed. Many people I know still don't understand why people no longer trust institutions. I finally told someone, "Why should anyone respect or listen to any of the institutions after we were lied to for three years over covaids? Many institutions willingly went along, or were coerced to go along."


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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

All the evidence today........looking back through 20/20 vision of hindsight........would tell us that the entire coronahoax was just that, a hoax.

What was weaponized was the flu. The symptoms, the cure, the infection and death rate mirrored the flu. Hell, there are flu seasons were more people died from the flu than the great pandemic of 2020. Most people died during the scamdemic from being put on ventilators or given organ destroying drugs like remdesivir. You put a 70+ year old on a ventilator and there is a 50% chance they never survive.

What was demonstrated was the level of ignorance and dependency our society has on the government to tell them what to do. It demonstrated a complete lack of critical thinking ability by the majority of Western Society.

In 2019, when people got the flu, they took some Nyquil.. –" the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever, so you can rest medicine" called in sick to work and got on with their lives. In 2020, they ran off to the doctor to get "tested" so they could find out if their "sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever" was the dreaded coronahoax virus that would kill them at any moment.

The only thing different about 2020 was that the government told you there was a boogeyman out to get you.......and everyone ran for their lives! It amazes me that we are still going on about where it came from and who started it.

"Way easier to con a man than to convince him he has been conned." You were conned. Get over it. We all were to some degree because we didn't want to believe they would lie to us about something like this. They lied to see how we would react. We didn't disappoint them.

I am pretty convinced they keep running this alien crap and watching Google metrics to see if it is gaining enough traction to announce we've been invaded, and everyone needs to shelter inside until they can hunt down all the aliens hiding among us. Then they are going to announce they have figured out that all the aliens are posing as white, heterosexual, Christian males with strong conservative ideal, and don't want to stay inside.......and should be shot on sight.

Hindsight is 20/20. Try using it.

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You can bet the scamdemic caused me and a lot of people to take a critical look at "germ theory."

We trusted those people to be working for the "good" of everyone, using their knowledge and research to expand our understanding of the world around us. What we got, was a bunch of voodoo science that meets quotas and lines the pockets of big pharma.

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Imagine the super fraud that they still hide under the pretence of fraud exposure.

That this novel coronavirus never existed physically.

They are playing 4D chess.

Whether from a lab escape, or a bat or an armadillo.

Whether from China the US or the Bahamas

It was the #flurebranded all along

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NIH and CDC can NEVER be TRUSTED of BELIEVED ever again or UNTIL all of the Proven LIARS are removed and TRIED in a Real Court of law. imo

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They will be replaced by new liars so do not hold your breath

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Why you trying to charge $42 a month now you huckster

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Another contributor post?

QTR can we please go back to the days where we get to read about your thoughts and ideas which most of us value? Myself, and I imagine a lot of your subscribers want to hear more from you.

Thank you

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Sorry but you don't speak for me. I value these contributor posts as we live in such crazy times and it is important to know what all is going on.

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Spot on.

The lab leak bs was the shtick for those that wanted to believe and have someone to blame it on. There was some "conformation" point offered to all types so they could latch on to their point of interest and not question the very existence of the virus in the first place.

They hammered all these "issues" on the front end so that the existence of this phantom virus would be a forgone conclusion.

Reporter: "How big is this virus?"

Virologist: "So small you need an electron microscope to see it."

Reporter: "How can something so small kill me?

Virologist: Scoffs......"Uh, because there are billions of them in you."

Reporter: "Then why can't you find one?"

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