C'mon man. Your lefty history is showing again. Everyone - and I mean everyone - knows "Joe Biden" isn't running anything. And everyone knows it's the Dems who stole an election; persecuted their opposition; arrested, tried and convicted their opposition; tried to kill everyone with their death vax mandate (from which they excluded themselves); allowed millions of illegals to come into and the country and gave them a get out of jail free card to rape and murder at will (sadly, not an exaggeration); destroyed our greatest cities; flooded the streets with homeless drug addicts; abandoned Afghanistan; escalated in Ukraine; and destroyed the economy. Oh, and abused race (once again - the KKK were Dems after all) to divide people and incite violence.

That's why Trump is winning. That stink will rub off on any (D) clown they put on the ticket. And, frankly, most of them are MORE complicit with that whole series of events than senile tool "Joe Biden." There are no moderate (D) candidates anymore. Unless you consider forever war, climate hysteria, even higher taxes, and 9 month and beyond abortions "moderate." That party is now fully captured by the extreme left. Some say Newsom. He's the poster child for this whole array of bad ideas. Kamala is an idiot. Hillary should be in prison.

The main problem they have is that there is NO popular support for any leftist policy. "Hey, let's allow abortion AFTER birth" is now an actual Dem policy idea. Full-on 9 month abortions just weren't enough for them. EVs have failed. The climate scam is falling apart. DEI is being rightly outlawed as a violation of civil rights. And we all see that the justice system clearly favors its clients (those who want big government) over others. That's why Trump will win.

Or rather should win easily, but of course the (D)s will cheat their way to minimum losses as they always do. And, yes, they cheat. Yes, it has been proven, including in courts of law. There are Dems in jail for election fraud. Just one more lie they use their lapdogs in the MSM to cover up.

Tulsi is the only option for Trump that I see bringing in some new voters for him. Everyone else doesn't add anyone who isn't already voting for Trump.

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I can only do the best I have with the brain I have and life I've lived. This is why I read my comments!

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Seems like you’re a great guy. But, straying from your specialty shows your naivety about politics. All you’re going to do is piss people off.

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What's wrong with that? :)

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He’s spot on with his commentary on Biden

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Well Said!!!

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Bravo - well said!

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JD Vance is the perfect VP pick for Trump - smart, veteran, great on the issues, tremendous back story that would resonate with a lot of independents and moderates. So naturally Trump will pick someone else

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Behind this hillbilly from Middletown , Ohio is big Silicon Valley folks like Peter Thiel, Eric Schmidt and Marc Andressen. What a dichotomy..

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If it were possible to give this comment 100 'likes', I would do it.

BigTech is our 'newest' adversary and while 'you can check out anytime you'd like, you can never leave....'.

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Vance won't up the dial for Trump, who already has Ohio and the white conservative vote.

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Agree 100%

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How can Quote the Raven agree that both JD Vance & the lightweight bullshitter Trey Gowdy could occupy the same VP list?

I think QTR should stick to finance.

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Another note on the Democratic side of things - if Joe is given the boot (which I would be willing to make a large bet on). I think they turn to Gavin Newsome. He is a slick talker - he is younger - he has the politician look and when he lies, it almost sounds so smooth it is believable.

His track record over running CA has been awful - but most Americans are not smart enough to understand this.

In exchange they will give Kamala the support to be the CA Governor.

he might be actually worse than Joe for our country.

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Yes. He will be worse because he in complete control of his commie faculties.

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This article assumes the democrat party wants to win votes as opposed to doing what they are actually doing which is funneling wealth upwards and ensuring that a policy of endless warfare continues.

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"..stack Trump up against any middle aged centrist Democrat" - LOL - spoiler alert - there aren't any. The Democrat party is the current day version of The Borg, hook, line, sinker and pole! As for Phillips, just another rich kid whose mommy is the heir to the privately owned 100 year old Phillips Distilling Company, votes lock step with the imbecile in chief, and co-sponsored the Medicare Act for All. That is all you need to know.

This country is in huge trouble, we are beyond the point of no return, there will and must be pain, before we come out the other side. Question is - will we come out with our liberty and freedom intact or under authoritarian rule. We need a Calvin Coolidge of our day, like Milei, someone who has the balls to cut government in half (eliminate half the alphabet soup); not owned or intimidated by anyone; respects the Constitution and ALL the Bills of Rights; removes all the illegal aliens that are polluting our country; cut taxes (eliminate the income tax with an Amendment to the Constitution no different than prohibition) fair tax or consumption would be just fine; focus on our current and future energy needs (full court press); and for god sake institute term limits, along with prohibiting any and all lobbying from retired government employees (elected or un-elected) for no less than the length of the term limits, and certainly no extra or added benefits other than those available to the citizens to whom they serve; lastly there must be fiscal responsibility. I know fiscal responsibility and government in the same sentence is an oxymoron, but certainly on the wish list.

Sure there are things I can not stand about Trump, but we need someone who has the ability to make major and significant changes. Changes at the perimeter or baby steps do not and will not work, it will only make the inevitable worse. If anyone thinks we are not beyond the point of compromise they are not being honest with themselves and/or naive. The Republican party while getting better are still led by a bunch RINO's who just want to be liked, are feckless and spineless amoeba's that always look to compromise, while the Democrat party like the Borg walk all over them and always push the limits without much resistance. We have been compromising since the beginning of the Progressive era, starting with Woodrow Wilson, more than 100 years of compromising and look where we are now! Trump is the best chance to stand up to the Bullshit!

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I agree 100%.

However, please quit saying there are things you hate about Trump. You’re pandering just like the RINOS pander because you don’t want anyone to think you’re completely committed to a man who has been demonized every single minute of every dry single day.

Why must everyone qualify their support for the only person with balls enough to rescue us from this shit show?

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Both things can be true at the same time. Trump has some tremendous warts. Ego being the biggest, imo.

I am grateful he has and is stepping into the breach though. I think he would win in a massive landslide against any opponent if he simply said.

I am sorry. I screwed up the first time. Trusted the wrong people. I will not let the American people down again.

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You may not see it, but all powerful men have huge egos. Wimps never accomplish anything.

Give me an example of a president who’s ever apologized for anything. No leaders ever say they’re sorry. Why do you hold Trump to different standards? Because you don’t like him. I guess the seemingly nice, lying bastards like George Bush are your style

I’m sick of hearing it. Most are. If it upsets you don’t vote for him. Just quit whining about it.

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You’ve captured my thoughts precisely.

How do we wind up with choices like this?

The dems will shuffle the deck after debate 1

They want the queen of the Hamptons to complete the 4 th Obama admin. But getting Kamaltoe to swallow that would be too tough on the DEI crowd.

Tulsi would be an awesome choice over all the rest for Trump. However, the GOP has never failed to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I think Tulsi would probably be my top pick for Trump. Woman, former Democrat, veteran, well spoken, already has a great history of absolutely spanking Kamala Harris publicly in the Democratic primary debates, etc.

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She is my learning choice too. Whomever he picks, I hope it’s not Mike Pence 2.0

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I disagree with the premise that Trump is as unliked as you contend. His rallies prove otherwise. Folks are not swarming to hear speeches from a person thought of as the lesser evil and with only tepid support. The key promise of Trump, which scares the hell out of all on the left and in the Uniparty is true justice applied to all. It’s the promise of our Pledge of Allegiance in actual practice. So, Chris, it’s your article, your podcast, and therefore your domain to share your personal perspective, but the proof of Trump’s support over any other potential candidate is only growing stronger with each play to stop him from the Dems. My belief, provided we can secure our election processes by November, is a landslide victory for DJT. I estimate over 65%, regardless of who the D’s prop up on their policy bandstand. Why? Their bandstand is rotten completely.

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I kind of feel like I've entered fake news land here on QTR sometimes. It's like hopium for "anyone but Trump." Trump is easily the most popular political figure in the world. The MSM and their parrots drive hatred of him to pump up the "dislike" side of the equation. And yet, despite that, he has gained 20+ point even with black voters. That's on top of already having likely won 2020 and having it stolen from him (rather obvious at this point, so let's all stop pretending). And he hasn't lost any block of voters. The math just doesn't add up for the haters like Chris. In a fair and secure election, he'd win at least 40 states. Maybe a Nixon level rout.

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I'm a "hater"? Must have missed that. Just trying to look as objectively at things as I'm capable of doing...

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OK, hater might be a bit too harsh. But only a bit, lol. My point is: I would understand playing the "both sides" and horserace politics game in normal times, but these are not normal times. "Both sides" is not a by-definition objective approach. Sometimes objectivity requires seeing that the two sides are not morally equivalent.

We've never had a political party collude with government and other large private corporations to take a candidate out during elections (Russia hoax in 2016, then Biden laptop coverup in 2020), only to then jail his supporters and prosecute him personally when they protested those actions.

Usually phrases like "never happened before" or "not normal times" are hyperbole. Sadly, not in this case. We simply can't allow the ruling class to prosecute and try their political opponents, much less use the government and F500 to do it for them. Rule of law is kind of key for all of us.

But really, when it comes to who's good/bad, it's not really close. So far as I can tell the worst he's actually done is say some dumb things, like the crude "grab 'em" comments when he thought he was off camera. The rest of our ruling class seems to be involved in money laundering, and actual human trafficking and child rape (Epstein/Diddy/who knows who else). They're qualitatively different and cannot be compared as equal-but-different.

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A Nixon-level rout, eh? Well, I guess he doesn’t need my vote, then.

I’ve been debating whether or not to sit this one out, but after Trump endorsed the no-name candidate running against Bob Good (R-VA) — the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus with a 100% rating from Heritage for Action America — my mind is made up. Trump got his panties in a wad because Good endorsed DeSantis in the Virginia primary. With Trump, it’s all about who panders to him, not what’s best for the Republican Party. A man who cannot see beyond himself does not and cannot have a vision for the future.

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Something tells me you weren't voting for him anyway.

FWIW, every analysis of elections has shown there are almost no true "independent" voters, just partisans who want to claim to be "independent." The majority of "independents" vote reliably for one party or the other year-over-year. Elections are won by turning out the base and the standard party voter, while depressing turnout from the other side. All the lawfare carried out by the Dems was intended to do just that: depress Trump's turnout. But, it will likely backfire. America loves an underdog and outlaw. And they just did to him what they've been doing to poor people for decades.

At this point, there's no doubt that Trump has consolidated and expanded his base. He just held a successful rally in the Bronx, for God's sake. He's cheered more loudly than the fighters at UFC events. And has made documented inroads with young people, blacks, and Hispanics. The most of any (R) candidate in 60+ years. His base is now well beyond the rural, white male that won him the election in 2016. It's a multiracial coalition of the working and middle classes, mostly men.

As for me, if the choice is another anti-American Obama term under the guise of some other sock puppet or rolling the dice with Trump, that is not a difficult choice. I never thought the level of destruction caused by the "Biden" admin COULD be levied on one country by one President in less than one term.

(FWIW, I have no issue with a politician not endorsing someone who refused to endorse them. That's just kind of how it works, IMO. I'm sure Bob Good knew what he was doing when he endorsed DeSantis, despite it being obvious RD had no chance to win. Maybe he too was just playing politics. )

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this independent is voting for RFK Jr.

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Not really relevant, but thanks for sharing. He has pretty much the same chance of winning as DeSantis had in the primary.

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Yes, Trump’s rallies are wildly successful, but only because he’s playing to the 20% to 25% of the population that think he walks on water. True, he has made some inroads in the black community, but that will all disappear if the Dems swap Michelle for Joe, which is my prediction. Independents will decide the election, as they always do, and Trump has made no effort to broaden his base to include independents.

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I do think it will be Hilda for the D’s with much tomfoolery at their convention. There is much to like about Tulsi for Trump. Her past positions on 2A and association with WEF remain a concern for me however. Agree with Woke1 that voting our way out of this mess is a long shot. Our country is in deep trouble.

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That's a good realistic take on the current election, well written. I agree the Democrats need to at least cleave off the loony far-left to have any chance. Replacing Biden would help, which they can even do at the last minute with delegates.

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Who do you think is the most likely stand-in? Godzillary?

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HRC I think is out of the picture. A surprise like Gretchen Witmer maybe? I'd go for a Joe Manchin even, if he was interested.

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Dems ARE the loony far left now. Name one candidate who doesn't support massive debt, forever wars, curbing free speech, curbing gun rights, persecuting political opposition, medical tyranny, etc. To say nothing of 9 month abortions on demand (!?), which is their platform. That's insulting to every single person who holds any religious or spiritual worldview: all of them. The Dems are all far leftists now, which is the primary issue they have when it comes to an election. No one supports any far left policy. Manchin isn't even a Dem anymore.

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Uh, Trump ran up the debt 7 trillion in just 4 years and promises to spend big if reelected so the Dems have no monopoly on MMT.

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Well, that's one issue. It didn't start with him and it didn't stop after him. It's a bipartisan, Congress-driven issue (they control the budget). How about all the other issues? Energy independence? Illegal immigration? Crime? DEI? Attacks on free speech? Lawfare? The two-tiered justice system? Jailing political opponents? Forever wars? Anytime abortions? The climate scam? Crypto stance? Kids being "trans-ed" by their schools? Cultural decline? The list is long.

It's politics; I'm not looking for perfection. I think it's fairly obvious DJT is far from perfect. Just quite a bit better than the alternatives, when you look across all the issues.

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The Dems will replace Biden with Gavin Newsome. He has a line of BS a mile long. He will give the mainstream media a lot of BS to work with. He will kick the shit out of Trump in the debates because Trump is too stupid to prepare for a debate. Newsome will be the next president.

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Don't forget his hair.

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Yep, his hair can even overcome the burden of being a straight white male.

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I'm a Californian (San Diego to be precise) and I keep that information to myself while I travel throughout the country.

Why? Primarily because most of the people I meet are noticeably cautious, understandably. They know the depth of the depravity (and the extraordinary cost of living, who of you gets to pay $5.49/gall for gasoline that is mostly road tax yet we have potholes in a place where weather is minimal?) that lurks alongside the majestic beauty of this enchanting place. We are, as always, the cradle of social experiments. Newsom weathered a recall election due to his fanaticism and absolute totalitarian control over the pandemic policies during the 2020-21. All of it, along with the lab origin and experimental yet mandated mRNA shots will not help.

I wonder if most American citizens are willing to go along with the excessive woke stuff that he and his handlers promote: we invite people here and PAY for abortions and child mutilation/sex change surgeries/hormones...etc.

Underneath the physical beauty of this magical place is a rot so deep, a stench so putrid that after 45 years of bliss, I gladly seek refuge elsewhere and concede to living in a place with 4 seasons where I don't have to explain that it is scientifically impossible to turn a boy into a girl and vice versa. That's where we are folks. Literally destroying children for the 'cause' (and, of course, follow that money).

Chris, excellent post. I do wonder what Pelosi, Schumer are up to?

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Schumer's eating a raw burger with a Kraft Single on it and Pelosi is working on her 4th martini with her left hand and buying NVDA calls while signing semiconductor subsidy legislation with her right.

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I did know that but thought my rant was long enough. ;D

Voting for Michelle means keeping the business in 'the family' and people literally do not understand who the patriarchal political families are in this nation. Right in front of their faces. They.do.not.care...it is as you say, 'somebody else'.

Let's move on to a brighter topic, shall we? It IS the summer solstice after all. And, well, I AM in California, land of the kooks. And tonight is opening night of 4 glorious ones where music is played under stars. Life is good. It's very good. :)

Have a wonderful evening...get a glimpse of the moon and enjoy the summer before the SHTF come autumn.

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hot swap Newsom, trump should pick Vivek, will prob do Scott

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If Trump could get him, I would try for Trey Gowdy

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Jun 20Edited

Trey Gowdy is a fraud. All talk no bite. If you want a real legal eagle who knows where all the skeletons in the Deep State closet are buried and knows how to line up Congress then Johnny Ratcliffe is your man.

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Absolutely right. Trey Gowdy is a joke & anyone who supports him has no clue about politic players. The fact that Quote the Raven agreed is even more worrisome.

John Ratcliffe is profoundly decent & very smart. Unlike Gowdy, the pretend conservative, who speaks quickly, which makes the viewing audience think he means business, Ratcliffe will do the correct thing within the law.

Remember when Trey Gowdy was in charge of the Benghazi debacle. Big talk. Zero action. His friend Rick Scott is cut from the same wimpy mold.

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Gowdy will boost moral and is a great PR guy, I like Ratcliffe too.

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Nice write up. Our government has been controlled by Bush and Clinton (Obama/Biden) families for too long. Trump was some fresh air - but only got 3 years to make change (year 4 was stolen by COVID) and I still believe China released COVID intentionally to get Trump out of office.

I am not a trump fan - but it was the most peaceful 4 years our country has had since...........1910?

The only way for our country to survive long term is shrinking our government. Vivek is the only candidate that had a plan to do that. The government wants complete control of US citizens. Our claim to fame is "The Land of the Free" - well apparently the "cost" to be free is about 70% of your income - when you figure all taxes you pay.

It is amazing how many of these career politicians are multi-millionaires and no one cares. How these ass holes cry about climate change every time we have a storm, but they have no care about flying in a private jet every day.

Every election we move closer to a socialist country. Both sides of the aisle are bat shit crazy and 98% of our country is brainwashed by the media or social media.

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And who controls Bush and Clinton families? I will give you a hint...they control the Federal Reserve.

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“The Democrats still have a legitimate shot to pull this election out”

I almost pee my pant reading the line.

The party of the “Cloward Piven” strategy will win in November with the there fortify methods.

Can’t believe that there are still people that think that they can vote there way out of this BS

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You wanted Chris Christie to be the President a few months ago.

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He wanted Christie to be president? Good Lord!

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Your worst analysis since I’ve been a subscriber. Which is clearly now something I may have to rethink.

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Hang in there. I'm sure I can do much worse.

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Perfect response. Lol.

Ok, you win, you’ve earned more patience

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It was an excellent article.

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Ha. Excellent work as always. Agree across the board. Have to love an article that quotes Major League.

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I agree completely!!!!!

It’s clear that politics isn’t his bailiwick.

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