Great writing from Mises Institute, as usual. QTR knows how to pick them. Below is from an article I'm publishing on Monday.

"For those that might view this report as bad luck – a setback on the path to recovery for the US economy – consider that inflation is a feature, not a bug, of current monetary policy. It is supported by both political parties, viewed as a tailwind to government spending and a means by which the regime can soften the impact of swiftly accumulating debts.


Massive government spending, the instigation of numerous wars simultaneously, unwavering commitments to financially support countries all over the world for no reason, and constant chirping from the Federal Reserve that interest rates are coming down any minute now – these are all actions that view inflation as a positive result, a goal to be achieved."

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Fed is going to have to accept that 2% core inflation is NOT coming back, unless they want a deep recession. It's just not happening. Give it a couple years, but that target is going to 3% eventually.

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We should choose recession. Market corrections are good and necessary. Who wants to buy NVDA at 37:1 price/sales anyways?

3% inflation is terrible. That means purchasing power halves every 23 years... and that's assuming the BLS print of 3% is accurate (lol). We know it's much higher than that, probably double.

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QTR, FFS keep your articles shorter or you'll lose/never get readers. And I don't know why ANYONE refers to 'Biden' - he's not running anything, he'll be dumped when the next idiot Democrat figurehead is chosen. The present regime is surely the Democrat/Obama/Deep State...isn't it? Now here's a very interesting essay: https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/the-smug-infantile-thievery-of-the?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=30495&post_id=143458687&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=8swye&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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It's both money printing (via Treasury, QE, zero-interest rates), AND corporate greed. Anyone saying it's one or the other has an agenda.

Everyone knows how increasing the money supply spurs inflation, so I'll let that be.

Here's the other side of the coin: the increase in corporate profits has FAR exceeded higher producer costs over the past 2 years. Stock buybacks have set fresh records. Corporations have absolutely used the inflationary environment to set higher prices and extract more profits from consumers.

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And your cure to this is ? Same as or Trump tax cuts?

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There’s a reason it’s called USA INC. domiciled in the District of Columbia.

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