The picture you have of Biden speaks volumes. Whatever the facts or non facts on the ground, what a disheartening election. I'm Canadian, and I find it disheartening.

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And many of us feel similarly when we see what's happening in Canada under the rudderless control of that empty headed pretty boy Trudeau.

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8 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

It is disheartening. In a nation of 330 millions...this is the best that are available to lead? An aging reality TV performer and an unelected DEI hire with a very empty political resume.

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I would be interesting in seeing if anyone has benefitted from the Biden regime. If I had to guess, the more directly a person derives their income from federal largesse, the more they support Biden. The corollary is also true.

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Do not worry, financial reality is only resting up. Just wait for when it tags into the bout, people will be looking for shovels to bury their heads in the sand

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