Restricting the movement of sick people is called quarantine.

Restricting the movement of healthy people is called tyranny.

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🌐💯😳 Disturbing to say the least

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Or you could quarantine in place while the rabble set fire to the cities because “democracy isn’t safe” when their candidate might lose

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"Takeover Mark your home the same way that FEMA is marking houses that have been searched. FEMA is not going to search the same place twice. You can also use markings to keep people away from the home if you know what they mean. FEMA search and rescue markings are usually spray painted on a building after they have searched it. It starts with a Red X. Top Section: Date Searched/Time Exited. Left Section: Team/Time Entered Right Section: Hazards. Bottom Section: Victims If you want to make your home immediately unappealing to all, simply put BIO HAZ in the right section of the X as this will tell people there is a biohazard present in the home." - No Grid Survival Projects

Check out more info on FEMA, false flags, and war here:


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Attorney Bobbie Ann Cox just wrote a substack article about a climate lockdown!

The NY governor issued a driving BAN in Erie county because there was snow in the forecast. It wasn't snowing, there was no emergency declared but people were banned from driving starting 9pm last night.

Here article is titled 'Climate Lockdowns Have Begun!'.

I'm Canadian and I just made a donation to her legal fund, if you can, please do the same because she is fighting for all of us.

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Americans really need to wake the F' up. During the fall of ancient Rome, the masses were given the circus/games for weeks at a time to take their minds/eyes off of what was happening around them. If we don't see the parallels here (football and assorted other nonsense too numerous to mention) we deserve exactly what will happen. History teaches us that NO empire lasts forever. Of course, here in America we don't study history - recent or ancient - but we damn sure have f'ing Instagram....

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Were those thinking ahead enough to build quarantine camps counting on a far deadlier disease? It’s ironic that Diamond Princess was an almost perfect microcosm for covid, and revealed its limited danger. Covid killed a few elderly and compromised, but everyone else on the ship recovered. There was simply no need for the camps or the panic. No, scratch that. It was the panic that enabled the pandemic. Once the panic got started, and “science” forgot to inform us of covid’s low risk profile for most, we were off to the races. One needs to look at Australia and their heavy handed interventions to see what road the west was headed down.

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correction: '...see what road the west IS headed down'. Our leaders haven't changed course yet.

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On my way to work, about 30mile, NJ to PA outside of Philly. over the last 5 years I have seen 8 large warehouses go up some very close to each other, Amazon uses one the others are still vacant. Why were they built? what are they for?

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I drove to the first WA state quarantine facility. It was a run-down two-story motel, the kind of place you'd expect to find corpses wrapped in black garbage bags. The new facility was slated to go up nearby behind an anonymous facility with fences topped with barbed wire.

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