This article PROVES the fact that rule of law is gone and the US court system is compromised by Marxists. Fauci is walking around a free man considering he perjured himself numerous times. If any of us lesser ones did half of what Fauci did, we would be in the slammer for years.

You want to fix this crap? It's simple; we need to start up the Tribunal révolutionnaire which is the vehicle the French used to right the wrongs of the oligarchy during their revolution. Yes, I know it eventually took on a life of its own but we have to start somewhere.

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With all due respect, his worst week ever is 1000's of times better than my best. What to do with all the money they have paid him, both legal and illegal. Do I buy that classic Miura in blue or red, or simply buy both. Where to buy another beach house, should I get one in Florida, or in Martha's Vineyard, or do I buy both. Such problems to have!

Enough about me, I can barely afford to keep my home afloat, at least it is paid for, oh, no it's not, I've got a $1500 tax bill coming next month, and only about $400 saved for it.

How about the legions of people suffering (or dead) from his shitty medical advice! F-CK HIM!

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Well that's part of why he was on TV multiple times per day, every freaking day, for years. Apart from the highest paid government employee, they have provided millions of taxpayer dollars for the furtherance of the hoax. Whether live appearances, giving speeches, recorded messages, writing papers, ..., anything, is handsomely rewarded. I'd bet anything Fauci received more from TV appearances in any single year 2020-on than most people's household income.

From Fauci, to movie stars, TV celebrities, to social media influencers, we taxpayers paid them to spread the lie tirelessly. I'd bet those dancing nurses got a bonus just for those asinine and insulting interludes.

When they can rob their victims to further victimize them, the sky is the limit!

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You said a mouthful, and the sky is the limit, or, maybe, maybe they're low orbit now, like the space shuttle was.

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> Is this guy a pathological liar?

I get that's rhetorical but it doesn't do justice to the situation. Being a pathological liar is the base-level minimum requirement for the job he has and there's plenty of people that could do that. Fauci's superpower is the ability to lie reflexively and naturally with few, if any, flaws to his story. He writes fiction the way that by-ear folk musicians can adlib and jam to any music and he writes fiction like the greatest composers wrote symphonies. By wrote or on the fly, his ability to fabricate the narrative that serves his masters is unparalleled in human history.

Like the Christian devil, even when he's telling the truth, he's lying to you.

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Well said. He is a world class liar, not just an ordinary, no empathy psychopath. His skill in the art of absolutely sincerely saying something at right angles to reality is unrivaled in my experience, and I am not a young man.

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The main purpose of the lead bureaucats in the DC area is to ensure that this years budget allocation is spent and to ensure that the next few years budgets are sufficient to support the needs of their agency/department/division/section/etal. They are money grabbers and are no longer engineers, scientists, doctors or reserch personnel. Their power comes from their ablility to direct and allocate the funding of efforts conducted by their contractors. The contractors receiving these funds treat these "leaders" as Golden Geese. Their every whim is satisfied and paid for in some of the most imaginative ways to avoid the appearance of "kickbacks" by the recipients of the funding. These recipients go out of their way to ensure that the lead bureaucrat is annotated with all sorts of honors, et, by including them as coauthors of papers and coinventors of techniques, products, etc. This results in the bureaucrat earning totally unjustified reputation as an industry/research leader in their field. It is all smoke and mirrors in the DC arena. Listening/following the direction of any of these "Leaders" only causes you to follow the desires of the largest contractors of that agency/department/division/section.

There are very few competent, dedicated, and non egotistical leaders among the civil service ranks. They are to be cherished!

It is my opinion that Fauci is a poster child of this incompetence. Following his direction is utter madness. The man is the epitomy of the exact opposite of how a scientist should act. "I am the science" - BS!!!!

Wake up! We are being led by incompetent people in far too many areas. Where are those leaders that came from the ranks of the workers? I include managers in those ranks as well. Where are those that know the elements that produce success in their industries. In fact, where are those that actually know how the industries they manage/interact with actually work? Too often we are being led and directed by theorists who have zero knowledge of the practical aspects of their own respective fields of endeavor. Utter madness!!!

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1st, you are already eating bugs. Under the FDA Allowable Food Defect law. https://www.fda.gov/food/ingredients-additives-gras-packaging-guidance-documents-regulatory-information/food-defect-levels-handbook

Second, American food quality is 20 or 30 years behind Europe. My friend is doing contract work for the Department of Defense (as I have for years) and is stationed in Iraq (yes, honey, we are still there). He was all excited as he noted his mayo had "bioengineered product" on the label, the US FDA new labeling scheme. Yes, he has US sourced food products on the military base. Yet, Hellmans and other manufacturers actually have two production lines. One for USA market and one for EU. GMO or bioengineered product is not allowed in EU foods, nor is HFCS. Heinz ketchup has two different products, one for fat Americans with HFCS and one with cane sugar for the thinner and more healthy Europeans. American food is crap and is one explanation for high medical costs, poor medical outcomes. It is run by paid off politicians. 70% of the typical American grocery store product is pure poison. You see quite the opposite outside of the USA. But, you are already eating bugs.

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