"What remains of raw, mere-human critical thinking (without aid of AI) will likely need to be channeled into a certain healthy distrust for the biases of the AI bots and their developers..."
"Whatever the outcome, let’s hope that AI (on the whole) works to serve as a tool for the betterment of the human condition, allowing for “a society of free and responsible persons.”
HOPE is not going to fix the AI issues we face. AI is already a threat and not for the betterment of humans. We are currently at war as the globalists have a transhuman agenda to replace humans with human 2.0. The lack of Critical thinking (never taught in school as a basic class as it should have been) is in part the reason we are losing this war. People outsource(d) their thinking to their 24/7 trusted talking heads, whose job it is (journalism dead) to tell you how to think about the news. In unison they repeat the official narrative sound bites and a lie repeated often enough is believed by those who don't think deeper than a puddle.
My wife, a former high school English teacher, taught critical thinking classes in high school in the ’70s. She’d bring in local newspaper articles, then the class would discuss their POV, the reporters’ agendas and biases, and what was left out. In short, she taught her students to critically examine the information presented to them and actually think for themselves. Of course, that was before the Leftists infiltrated learning institutions to turn out generations of human automatons incapable of challenging the narrative. I believe AI is just the next step in the Leftists’ process.
In the near future, students will be taught that whenever there is a conflict between the AI narrative and “rabble rousers” like Tucker Carlson, the computer-generated narrative must be believed because, unlike humans, it is unbiased and “follows the science.”
Glad there were some teachers who recognized the importance of Critical Thinking!!
Agree with your points...except I wonder if we will have a near future. (The following is long but you might be interested in why I say that statement.)
Who knows if the above will happen?...They know. This is a war so YES the enemy will absolutely throw out decoy info. Do NOT be afraid of looking like an 'idiot' for turning off your phone or for trying to figure out their next step and take as many precautions as possible. One thing is for sure...the technology that they have vs. what we know of is light years apart. They have only given us the technology that will serve them...the phone has been a data mining gold rush for them. They give us a little so they can take a lot. The official narrative is officially complete bullshit so we must think in terms of conspiracy because conspiracy is MUCH closer to the truth.
Then I read this:
FEMA plans to test national alert system on Oct. 4
Sep. 24, 2023 at 2:22 pm
By Cindy Krischer Goodman
South Florida Sun Sentinel
Get ready for an alert on your cellphones, televisions and radios on Oct. 4.
At 2:20 p.m, the federal government will test its nationwide Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts. The purpose is to ensure that the systems continue to be an effective means of warning the public about national emergencies.
Cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. All wireless phones should receive the message only once.
People will cell phones will get a message that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
To help ensure that these alerts are accessible to the entire public, including people with disabilities, the alerts are accompanied by a unique tone and vibration.
Then I wrote this because I used a Rife machine for Lyme. I got 75% better, and knew a bit about the fact that frequency science works.
DyingOnThisHill CONSIDER THIS RE: POWER OF FREQUENCY" It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them. By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. Dr. Rife claimed that his microscope could magnify an object to 60,000 its size. Royal Rife explained what was so useful about this microscope. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria. Virus and Bacteria Could Be Killed. What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. What he said happened was that the microbes would explode or shrivel up and die. Some researchers today are reported to be corroborating Royal Rife's discoveries. It is reported that in 1960, John Crane's laboratories were raided. Although there was no search warrant, Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife, who was then 72 years old, escaped to Mexico and went into hiding. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence. John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served three years and one month. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal. Dr. Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. He had been hospitalized for alcoholism and was given valium. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal. It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated."
NOW MANY DECADES LATER we can be more than suspicious that this technology has been advanced and may be used as a potential depopulation weapon...esp. when the SHOCKING documents re: depopulation are here:
DyingOnThisHill And for those who have noticed the importance of 11 in what they (globalists) do …
The time of this emergency test is 2:20. 11 + 11. (Notice the time posted of the reporting of this article 2:22)
1) world trade buildings 9/11... Buildings themselves '11' symbol .
2) On the morning of 11/11/18 , just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
3) Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
4) What We Know About the Earthquake That Devastated Morocco Sep 12, 2023 Around 11:11 p.m., 11 feet below surface, on Friday, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.8 tore through the countryside near Marrakesh to devastating effect.
I haven't fallen deep into this 11 rabbit hole but the coincidences are already too many to be ignored. So why 11? Here's one explanation: The Number 11 is a “Sacred Number in the Occult, Witchcraft, and Satanism”.
(Side note: In researching 11, I came across these premonitions : "We call this sorcery, My children, because there has been a combination of the practice of the occult, witchcraft, with drugs. The minds of your children are being destroyed and distorted by the use of mind-controlling agents from hell. And I say from hell, My children, because it is a diabolical plan of satan to control the minds of your children." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1977 “They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.” - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1975 )
One of the great things about predictions that a certain event will take place on a certain date is that it’s binary — it will either happen or it won’t. I remember in early 1988 a preacher named Edgar Whisensut wrote a book called “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Occur in 1988.” He predicted it would happen on Rosh Hoshana that year. When the date came and went, amid widespread derision, he updated it to Rosh Hoshana 1989, claiming his miscalculation was because “there is no zero year between 1 BC and 1 AD.”
I also remember breathless predictions that at the stroke of midnight, when the year 1999 changed to 2000, computers around the world would crash, causing the power grid to shut down and planes to fall out of the sky.
Will 2/3 to 3/4 of the world’s population (Deagel’s prediction) suddenly die of a “5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse” at or soon after the FEMA test on Oct 4 (Greg Reese’s prediction)? It will either happen or it won’t. I guess we’ll know by October 5 if we can throw Reese into the dustbin of historic failures, and by 2026 if Deagel should follow him.
Personally, I do believe the mRNA shots will bring about worldwide depopulation, but I see it happening more slowly. In addition to “excess deaths” that are currently happening, I think the entire reason behind vaccinating young children (with near zero risk of COVID complications) is to make them sterile, which will effectively “depopulate” the next generation. It’s much more difficult to prosecute perpetrators when the scope of the crime takes 20 years to be revealed. But maybe I’ll put my cell phone in a Faraday bag and unplug my TV that day, just in case.
My sense re: Oct 4th, which is the first test, might be less likely to cause much issue as people are paying attention and shutting off the phone but by the 20th test people's guard is down "It didn't happen so it never will" logic. Also, as the frequency can 'explode' various 'planted' viruses...no one will be dropping on the day but it will be death in waves as various ones are targeted. Like the vax the new sicknesses will be pinned on the latest variant and so how many people will realize that their phone is the 'weapon'? Few. We considered getting rid of our phone for the last year and this seems to be our tipping point.
You’re probably right about the first test b’cast being largely benign. But if the conspiracy is true, it would serve them well to have A FEW of the vaxxed suffer “mysterious” ill effects as proof of concept. The thing about human subjects is that their natural immunity is highly variable. You have people in the peak of health, where activation of a weak pathogen would be largely unnoticed. But then you have others with a compromised immune system, perhaps from old age, AIDS, or transplant patients on immune-suppressing drugs, whose activation of the same weak pathogen would cause a health crisis. If those folks suddenly start joining the “excess death” statistic, that would be the proof of concept they need. Then, as you say, the 20th b’cast might be the one to activate a more lethal pathogen for which almost no one has immunity.
I don’t know the solution to avoiding the problem. Even with no cell phone, they might decide to send an “emergency alert” to your TV while you’re watching NCIS. Or send it to your iPad while it’s charging next to your bed as you sleep. Or maybe even send it to the Web-connected devices like the Amazon Echo, or the Ring doorbell, or OnStar as you’re driving down the road. The only way to escape that is live in a grounded metal trailer (Faraday cage) in the woods, disconnected from all Internet devices. Or, of course, to not be “vaccinated” with the depopulation shots to begin with. For roughly 72% of the population, that’s not an option because, like an abortion, once you’ve done it, it can’t be walked back.
Yes...they seem to have us cornered. I'm not sure the unvaxed are safe either as other methods of delivery systems... chem trails, food etc...might be doing some level of 'install'. When all signs point to being trapped in a futuristic sci-fi nightmare do you pull up stakes and move back to 1800's...taking tools and non-tracking tech like solar, that could make the transition a bit easier? In terms of survival, humans managed for many millennia very low tech and our new big progress since 1900 is really just a tiny blip in time. Somehow the Amish saw this coming...not only do they deserve respect for this foresight, it might be wise for as many of us as possible to emulate them and form 'Amish' communities. The challenge is that survival now means pulling out a charge card...we have lost SO much knowledge in fending for ourselves, the learning curve will be steep and hard but the alternative unthinkable. There are fates worse than death...it is Human 2.0.
Having AI talk to AI results in rubbish. Let’s make a comedy show called “AI Gone Bay Gone”. Also, nefarious purposes could be programmed in AI resulting in another Propaganda Vector. You can always tell it AI becomes it can’t love, can’t laugh, or any other qualities that involve emotions.
I keep thinking that AI is a complete misnomer. while it is certainly artificial, there is no intelligence involved. as others have said, surveying large amounts of previously written thoughts and comments and regurgitating them is not the same as intelligence. that requires piecing those thoughts and comments together with a background general body of knowledge across all subjects and perhaps making a leap forward. AI seems nothing more than the playback of a tape recorder (for those of you who remember what a tape recorder is.)
Critical thinking? Stick a fork in it. Most people parrot what they’re fed by the media they consume. “Why am I reading this?” H/t Ben Hunt. I love to try and peel the onion when I speak with someone who does that. How many layers deep is their thought process. LLM’s that aggregate millions of words and arrange them are no better than garbage in garbage out we see today. Your loyal readers aside most people can’t name the three branches of government or find Ukraine on a map. Or Ohio. There is room for clumsy government regulation, such as requiring that generated writing be disclosed. Maybe critical thinking editors will require self-disclosure. Let the “market” decide? Good Lawd.
1) AI will never allow you to eloquently, and persuasively argue at a moments notice, either in the elevator sales pitch or in front of a jury, or where ever it becomes necessary. (I convinced a shooter once to lower their handgun by arguing murder statutes and risk /reward. It was intense as they had the gun on my friend!).
2) We have already experienced the disruption of critical thinking via artificial common knowledge disrupted by a media that is fond of "white-outing" facts, by coordinated omission of facts. No facts reported, then no facts to "check"...and in unison the public parrots, "well I have never heard nor seen that....just where do you get your facts?" Artificial common knowledge is the antithesis of AI and is artificial ignorance, which is essentially idiocracy - pretty soon you forget that plants need water, or, maybe that a Country can only absorb so many unproductive citizens (hypothetically, of course)
I don't think there was ever a Golden Age in human critical thinking.
Most of human history shows entire civilizations trapped deeply in what we now consider psychotic mythic structures -- from witch burning to the Aztec pyramid to slavery to caste systems to _______ (fill in the blank with your favorite depredation).
What do we have to fear from AI? Students skirting using their minds? They could have plagiarized other people's thoughts since the advent of movable type in the 1400s.
The problem is humans don't habitually use their ethical conscious sentience. AI has nothing to do with that. Nada. All the AI scare mongering is a bit bizarre. Maybe it's just a psychological displacement and projection.
"Whatever the outcome, let’s hope that AI (on the whole) works to serve as a tool for the betterment of the human condition, allowing for “a society of free and responsible persons.”
HOPE is not going to fix the AI issues we face. AI is already a threat and not for the betterment of humans. We are currently at war as the globalists have a transhuman agenda to replace humans with human 2.0. The lack of Critical thinking (never taught in school as a basic class as it should have been) is in part the reason we are losing this war. People outsource(d) their thinking to their 24/7 trusted talking heads, whose job it is (journalism dead) to tell you how to think about the news. In unison they repeat the official narrative sound bites and a lie repeated often enough is believed by those who don't think deeper than a puddle.
My wife, a former high school English teacher, taught critical thinking classes in high school in the ’70s. She’d bring in local newspaper articles, then the class would discuss their POV, the reporters’ agendas and biases, and what was left out. In short, she taught her students to critically examine the information presented to them and actually think for themselves. Of course, that was before the Leftists infiltrated learning institutions to turn out generations of human automatons incapable of challenging the narrative. I believe AI is just the next step in the Leftists’ process.
In the near future, students will be taught that whenever there is a conflict between the AI narrative and “rabble rousers” like Tucker Carlson, the computer-generated narrative must be believed because, unlike humans, it is unbiased and “follows the science.”
Glad there were some teachers who recognized the importance of Critical Thinking!!
Agree with your points...except I wonder if we will have a near future. (The following is long but you might be interested in why I say that statement.)
First I watched this:
Then I wrote this:
| DyingOnThisHill13 hrs ago
Who knows if the above will happen?...They know. This is a war so YES the enemy will absolutely throw out decoy info. Do NOT be afraid of looking like an 'idiot' for turning off your phone or for trying to figure out their next step and take as many precautions as possible. One thing is for sure...the technology that they have vs. what we know of is light years apart. They have only given us the technology that will serve them...the phone has been a data mining gold rush for them. They give us a little so they can take a lot. The official narrative is officially complete bullshit so we must think in terms of conspiracy because conspiracy is MUCH closer to the truth.
Then I read this:
FEMA plans to test national alert system on Oct. 4
Sep. 24, 2023 at 2:22 pm
By Cindy Krischer Goodman
South Florida Sun Sentinel
Get ready for an alert on your cellphones, televisions and radios on Oct. 4.
At 2:20 p.m, the federal government will test its nationwide Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts. The purpose is to ensure that the systems continue to be an effective means of warning the public about national emergencies.
Cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. All wireless phones should receive the message only once.
People will cell phones will get a message that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
To help ensure that these alerts are accessible to the entire public, including people with disabilities, the alerts are accompanied by a unique tone and vibration.
Then I wrote this because I used a Rife machine for Lyme. I got 75% better, and knew a bit about the fact that frequency science works.
DyingOnThisHill CONSIDER THIS RE: POWER OF FREQUENCY" It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them. By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. Dr. Rife claimed that his microscope could magnify an object to 60,000 its size. Royal Rife explained what was so useful about this microscope. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria. Virus and Bacteria Could Be Killed. What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. What he said happened was that the microbes would explode or shrivel up and die. Some researchers today are reported to be corroborating Royal Rife's discoveries. It is reported that in 1960, John Crane's laboratories were raided. Although there was no search warrant, Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife, who was then 72 years old, escaped to Mexico and went into hiding. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence. John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served three years and one month. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal. Dr. Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. He had been hospitalized for alcoholism and was given valium. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal. It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated."
NOW MANY DECADES LATER we can be more than suspicious that this technology has been advanced and may be used as a potential depopulation weapon...esp. when the SHOCKING documents re: depopulation are here:
Then I added this comment :
DyingOnThisHill And for those who have noticed the importance of 11 in what they (globalists) do …
The time of this emergency test is 2:20. 11 + 11. (Notice the time posted of the reporting of this article 2:22)
1) world trade buildings 9/11... Buildings themselves '11' symbol .
2) On the morning of 11/11/18 , just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.
3) Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
4) What We Know About the Earthquake That Devastated Morocco Sep 12, 2023 Around 11:11 p.m., 11 feet below surface, on Friday, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.8 tore through the countryside near Marrakesh to devastating effect.
I haven't fallen deep into this 11 rabbit hole but the coincidences are already too many to be ignored. So why 11? Here's one explanation: The Number 11 is a “Sacred Number in the Occult, Witchcraft, and Satanism”.
(Side note: In researching 11, I came across these premonitions : "We call this sorcery, My children, because there has been a combination of the practice of the occult, witchcraft, with drugs. The minds of your children are being destroyed and distorted by the use of mind-controlling agents from hell. And I say from hell, My children, because it is a diabolical plan of satan to control the minds of your children." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1977 “They will use the body of a human being, one who has fallen out of grace and the light. Any man, woman, or child is susceptible to this possession.” - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1975 )
One of the great things about predictions that a certain event will take place on a certain date is that it’s binary — it will either happen or it won’t. I remember in early 1988 a preacher named Edgar Whisensut wrote a book called “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Occur in 1988.” He predicted it would happen on Rosh Hoshana that year. When the date came and went, amid widespread derision, he updated it to Rosh Hoshana 1989, claiming his miscalculation was because “there is no zero year between 1 BC and 1 AD.”
I also remember breathless predictions that at the stroke of midnight, when the year 1999 changed to 2000, computers around the world would crash, causing the power grid to shut down and planes to fall out of the sky.
Will 2/3 to 3/4 of the world’s population (Deagel’s prediction) suddenly die of a “5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse” at or soon after the FEMA test on Oct 4 (Greg Reese’s prediction)? It will either happen or it won’t. I guess we’ll know by October 5 if we can throw Reese into the dustbin of historic failures, and by 2026 if Deagel should follow him.
Personally, I do believe the mRNA shots will bring about worldwide depopulation, but I see it happening more slowly. In addition to “excess deaths” that are currently happening, I think the entire reason behind vaccinating young children (with near zero risk of COVID complications) is to make them sterile, which will effectively “depopulate” the next generation. It’s much more difficult to prosecute perpetrators when the scope of the crime takes 20 years to be revealed. But maybe I’ll put my cell phone in a Faraday bag and unplug my TV that day, just in case.
My sense re: Oct 4th, which is the first test, might be less likely to cause much issue as people are paying attention and shutting off the phone but by the 20th test people's guard is down "It didn't happen so it never will" logic. Also, as the frequency can 'explode' various 'planted' viruses...no one will be dropping on the day but it will be death in waves as various ones are targeted. Like the vax the new sicknesses will be pinned on the latest variant and so how many people will realize that their phone is the 'weapon'? Few. We considered getting rid of our phone for the last year and this seems to be our tipping point.
You’re probably right about the first test b’cast being largely benign. But if the conspiracy is true, it would serve them well to have A FEW of the vaxxed suffer “mysterious” ill effects as proof of concept. The thing about human subjects is that their natural immunity is highly variable. You have people in the peak of health, where activation of a weak pathogen would be largely unnoticed. But then you have others with a compromised immune system, perhaps from old age, AIDS, or transplant patients on immune-suppressing drugs, whose activation of the same weak pathogen would cause a health crisis. If those folks suddenly start joining the “excess death” statistic, that would be the proof of concept they need. Then, as you say, the 20th b’cast might be the one to activate a more lethal pathogen for which almost no one has immunity.
I don’t know the solution to avoiding the problem. Even with no cell phone, they might decide to send an “emergency alert” to your TV while you’re watching NCIS. Or send it to your iPad while it’s charging next to your bed as you sleep. Or maybe even send it to the Web-connected devices like the Amazon Echo, or the Ring doorbell, or OnStar as you’re driving down the road. The only way to escape that is live in a grounded metal trailer (Faraday cage) in the woods, disconnected from all Internet devices. Or, of course, to not be “vaccinated” with the depopulation shots to begin with. For roughly 72% of the population, that’s not an option because, like an abortion, once you’ve done it, it can’t be walked back.
Yes...they seem to have us cornered. I'm not sure the unvaxed are safe either as other methods of delivery systems... chem trails, food etc...might be doing some level of 'install'. When all signs point to being trapped in a futuristic sci-fi nightmare do you pull up stakes and move back to 1800's...taking tools and non-tracking tech like solar, that could make the transition a bit easier? In terms of survival, humans managed for many millennia very low tech and our new big progress since 1900 is really just a tiny blip in time. Somehow the Amish saw this coming...not only do they deserve respect for this foresight, it might be wise for as many of us as possible to emulate them and form 'Amish' communities. The challenge is that survival now means pulling out a charge card...we have lost SO much knowledge in fending for ourselves, the learning curve will be steep and hard but the alternative unthinkable. There are fates worse than death...it is Human 2.0.
AI is just marketing BS.
AI is a logical continuation of the Google Search Engine model.
It is still programmable and requires human intervention.
As a result, it is full of biases and cannot be trusted as a un-biased source of information.
AI is the same level as Wikipedia when it comes to censorship and/or narrative.
Anyone who disputes this does not understand the human condition.
Having AI talk to AI results in rubbish. Let’s make a comedy show called “AI Gone Bay Gone”. Also, nefarious purposes could be programmed in AI resulting in another Propaganda Vector. You can always tell it AI becomes it can’t love, can’t laugh, or any other qualities that involve emotions.
I keep thinking that AI is a complete misnomer. while it is certainly artificial, there is no intelligence involved. as others have said, surveying large amounts of previously written thoughts and comments and regurgitating them is not the same as intelligence. that requires piecing those thoughts and comments together with a background general body of knowledge across all subjects and perhaps making a leap forward. AI seems nothing more than the playback of a tape recorder (for those of you who remember what a tape recorder is.)
Critical thinking? Stick a fork in it. Most people parrot what they’re fed by the media they consume. “Why am I reading this?” H/t Ben Hunt. I love to try and peel the onion when I speak with someone who does that. How many layers deep is their thought process. LLM’s that aggregate millions of words and arrange them are no better than garbage in garbage out we see today. Your loyal readers aside most people can’t name the three branches of government or find Ukraine on a map. Or Ohio. There is room for clumsy government regulation, such as requiring that generated writing be disclosed. Maybe critical thinking editors will require self-disclosure. Let the “market” decide? Good Lawd.
A couple of things.
1) AI will never allow you to eloquently, and persuasively argue at a moments notice, either in the elevator sales pitch or in front of a jury, or where ever it becomes necessary. (I convinced a shooter once to lower their handgun by arguing murder statutes and risk /reward. It was intense as they had the gun on my friend!).
2) We have already experienced the disruption of critical thinking via artificial common knowledge disrupted by a media that is fond of "white-outing" facts, by coordinated omission of facts. No facts reported, then no facts to "check"...and in unison the public parrots, "well I have never heard nor seen that....just where do you get your facts?" Artificial common knowledge is the antithesis of AI and is artificial ignorance, which is essentially idiocracy - pretty soon you forget that plants need water, or, maybe that a Country can only absorb so many unproductive citizens (hypothetically, of course)
I don't think there was ever a Golden Age in human critical thinking.
Most of human history shows entire civilizations trapped deeply in what we now consider psychotic mythic structures -- from witch burning to the Aztec pyramid to slavery to caste systems to _______ (fill in the blank with your favorite depredation).
What do we have to fear from AI? Students skirting using their minds? They could have plagiarized other people's thoughts since the advent of movable type in the 1400s.
The problem is humans don't habitually use their ethical conscious sentience. AI has nothing to do with that. Nada. All the AI scare mongering is a bit bizarre. Maybe it's just a psychological displacement and projection.