Anyone want to compare and highlight what Milei and his libertarian agenda are doing to Argentina’s economy? It seems curbing a government’s free flowing money train and putting constraints on government spending and cutting government’s largesse through slashing whole departments has a lot more to do with saving a country’s economy than does Kamela’s “ideas”.

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No. They’re not making this shit up. They are dead serious. Deadly. Serious.

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They want us dead, fewer people then lower demand for food.

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Well said Chris. it is remarkable that these proposals are serious. This is a change election, and we certainly need a change from the current administration if we are going to be able to thrive going forward.

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A cup'la things. And please let me know if I'm wrong. 1: The ghost money printed and the interest paid for the debt financing all the giveaways we here in the US enjoy (never considering that at some point the debt will hit the fan) generally increases the elite's pocketbooks as these insiders and paid deliverers of the services or stimies being showered upon the happy to receive them voters will only grind these voters into a more profound loss of lifestyle and freedom as history has proven that government giveaways never help the intended receiver. But they will vote for them with the hope that this time, they will not be lied to. 2: The American voter is conditioned to accept the fiction delivered to them by the cabal-owned and controlled MSM and the public education system (Let the elected government teach your children, and you will get what you get!) It is too hard for them to keep up with political and economic reality while trying to attain the never-to-be-attained American dream. 3. Those in the know about what is happening to them have the means to survive through enough of it that they will only feel it as a pinch, and although they will agree with their favored pundits, they will do absolutely nothing to stop this. 4. The American voter is stupid, and you can't fix stupid. 5. The cabal knows the American voter is stupid and has used this condition to undermine the Constitution and steal freedom after freedom from them in the name of democracy and national security for a hundred years or more as they began to undermine the law and voters stealing piece by piece until they got what you now have—the loss of your country. 6: Don't forget to vote!!

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Aug 18
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It is a sad, sad world, mostly because we humans are stupid. And stupid cant be fixed! Stupid has no idea what oversight is. It only knows the gov'ment will take care of it. That's why we vote.

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I'm gonna delete my rant as a lesson to myself to get a good night's sleep before posting anything. Enjoyed your your cup'la things.

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The really frightening thing is that Kamala might actually win. And to see how that'd play out, watch the disaster being created here in the UK by the just-elected far-left socialist Labour government.

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What an extraordinary time to be “alive-lied to”.

This shit ain’t new… but it has taken an Orwellian/Quadrophenia/ Clockwork Orange twist that just boggles even the most robust of human brains and intellect.

Keep Going Chris…..And Keep the Faith. 💪👊🙏

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This article alone made my QTR subscription the best investment I've made in sometime.

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Really appreciate the kind words

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Ayn Rand, in her famous interview with Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes said this could, and would happen here. He chuckled and dismissed her. She smoked her cigarette and knew that his dismissiveness was all she needed to know. Atlas Shrugged, time to move it into the non-fiction section at your local library.

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Perfect analysis of her, "Mensa Candidate" LOL. I thought she would pick AOC as a running mate. That would have been perfect.

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"It is easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost."


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Governments can print money, but they can't print prosperity.

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The markets don't care about your feelings and neither do elections.

Elections in this country are binary choices whether you like that or not.

Choose between commie Kamala or Trump (with all his faults). Choose wisely.

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Right now I’d say the odds of her actually being the nominee are 50/50. Waltz was chosen because they knew he had dozens of skeleton tbe closet. So, they picked him so the focus would move from Caballa, to him, and to get the assassination attempt out of the news cycle. It worked.

This gave her and the govt controlled media a couple weeks to see if she could pump up a campaign. You can judge for yourself whether that has worked. 109 at her NC rally, including staff and media.

They are going to steal it. But it’s not a sellable deal with her and Waltz. It might not matter. But then again, it might matter.

But Killary been real quiet lately. And the Clintons still own the DNC. Without their fraudulent Clinton Foundation money their would be no DNC. Seth Rich knew it and paid the ultimate price. The DNC owes Killary and she’s got the knives out.

Heard from Barry lately? He out stumping for his protege? Michelle better be watching her muscular back.

If there are massive protests on Monday in Chicago I’d see that as a possible tell.

Obviously all of this is guesswork. But when you go back and trace the timeline, starting most recently with Joes medical event in Vegas, or further back to the classified doc issue and the Hur report you can start to see it all laid out.

As David Icke says:

Know the outcome and you can see the journey.

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They had her teed up for two years knowing they couldn’t leapfrog another candidate- even hrc or Mitch Obama - over the colored one. So they flayed oljoe publicly to kick it off. If the GOP can’t stop zuckerfuck from buying up all the ballots again this country is proper fckt

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Slight correction to a great rundown - the dems only reward having children ( remember they’re the death cult “up to the moment of birth “ party, they reward only if those children are born into fatherless homes, headed by single welfare moms. Another way they buy votes & try to erase the importance of much needed 2 parent families.

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So! I would vote for a dead rabbit beore Trump. Not sure what you are getting at.

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Well said!

And her economic plan of wasteful free stuff is the grease. After she’s in, the leftist divisive victimhood policies will roll out and leave those swing voters and coastal mommies grabbing their socks while she and her squads ramrod all the alphabet sex pedo policies up their asses and declare them white supremacists who must pay reparations.

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