Shipping Expert J Mintzmyer Shares His Top 3 Stocks
"I will briefly discuss the high-level bullish case for each of these stocks..."
When it comes to shipping, there are few people whose opinion I trust more than J Mintzmyer. He has been covering the sector for as long as I have been in the game and is a top class individual that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting numerous times. I’m happy to offer up his latest take on why he thinks it’s time to pounce on the sector and, more importantly, what names he is looking at.
J has earned a BS in Economics from the Air Force Academy, an MA in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, and is a PhD Candidate at Harvard University, where he researches global trade flows and security policy.
As many of you might know, J is a long-time friend of mine and an established expert in the shipping industry. Every six months or so, J compiles a list of some of his top public ideas and shares a few of these publicly to generate discussion and interest in the sector.
J is the Head of Research at Value Investor's Edge, which is currently offering two week free trials for anyone who might be interested.
About nine months ago, J said it was time to "overweight shipping," which seemed fairly insane considering the broad macro backdrop, but his picks back then have done incredibly well and he has another update today with 3 of his favorites. He agreed to share these with the community here in order to facilitate a broader discussion.
Shipping Equities: Selective Buying Opportunities
Although shipping equities have performed decently so far this year, sentiment has been poor for the past year with the exception of a brief tanker craze last fall. Even today, sentiment remains quite weak, as evidenced by near-record low valuations in all three picks I will cover in this report.
These picks span three different segments: dry bulk, tankers, and containerships and are curated from a broader and more diversified selection of top industry picks, which we cover closely on our Value Investor's Edge research platform. I don't believe in burying the lede, so today's top picks are (in alphabetical order):