Lab Leak 'Conspiracy' Is Officially Reality
Just this week it was announced that the CIA has now suggested COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab leak. To which I reply: no shit.
I know this blog is called Fringe Finance, but the point isn’t always to commit to the conspiratorial point of view.
Instead, as I laid out at the inception of this blog, its purpose was to examine issues on “the fringe” with a far more objective light than those in the mainstream media, who have proven over the last 5 to 10 years that they have a decisive agenda that isn’t tethered to — and many times has nothing to do with — the objective truth.
With Trump taking office, I don’t mind playing counterbalance to “conspiracies” that permeate the right side of the aisle, either. One doesn’t need to be a member of a political party to commit to trying to seek out the truth. This is why I can adamantly reinforce something like the Hunter Biden laptop being real, while at the same time pointing out criticisms of things like fiscal policy under a Trump administration.
It astounds me that the mainstream media and people on the left side of the aisle continue to be surprised that many critical thinkers have kept an open mind on what government and media tells them. And until they learn that there’s no micromanagement or bureaucracy intense or large enough to ever completely re-write objective truth, they’re going to continue to be confused.
Just this week it was announced that the CIA has now suggested with "low confidence" that COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.
To which I, and many of my readers, reply: no shit — we’ve said that from Day 1.

This <sarcasm> incredible revelation </sarcasm> aligns with earlier findings from the FBI and Department of Energy and does not involve new intelligence, only a reanalysis of existing data, reports said last week, as if anybody needed any “data” other than this map, which was available in 2020.
This “news” from the CIA—like the Hunter Biden laptop story—solidifies what many people who distrusted the mainstream narrative thought years ago. For some reason, it was inconceivable back in 2020 to think that a virus had escaped from a lab that happened to be located just mere feet from where the first cases turned up.
And it isn’t just the horrid fact that those who questioned the early narrative were told that this very logical conclusion made no sense at all—it was the fact that they were treated like second-class citizens. People were kicked off social media, debanked from their respective banking institutions, ridiculed, and publicly dragged through the mud simply for arriving at the most logical conclusion given the circumstances.
Even Jon Stewart couldn’t pull the Democratic mainstream media wool over his own eyes. Watch him years ago make Stephen Colbert visibly uncomfortable simply by, again, arriving at the most logical conclusion given the circumstances.
And like so many huge lies of the last decade, years later the truth has seeped out in “limited hangout” fashion, with bullshit “low confidence” qualifiers. First the lab leak was acknowledged by independent news articles, then it was acknowledged by select subcommittees of Congress, and now it is finally confirmed by our intelligence agencies.
If true, which is now obviously likely, someone tell the mainstream media and Democrats that every single person who lied about the origin of COVID—including Anthony Fauci, who told the public one thing while emailing his colleagues another—are the people that should be held responsible.
The next time Democrats and the mainstream media get their panties in a bunch about the public not accepting their narrative, they’ll need to reckon with their own credibility.
As years go by, it’s easy to forget how people were treated for questioning the mainstream narrative on COVID origins. But for as long as I live, I’m not going to forget it, and I will periodically remind myself and my readers just how brutally the logical truth was received simply because some politicians and those involved in creating the problem didn’t want us to discuss it.
My guess is that the next critical questions we raised in 2020-21 about the vaccines will also wind up having been worthwhile. In my opinion, it’s not a question of whether or not the objective truth—lacking from not having long-term safety studies and rushing the vaccines to market—comes to light, it’s just a question of when.
As I said, I’m not against supporting Democrat or mainstream media narratives when they happen to be the objective truth. But as long as the lies of the last decade continue to surface for what they truly were at the time they were used as propaganda, I plan on viciously reserving my right to question any and all narratives I am force-fed or asked to accept in the absence of primary-sourced, direct evidence.
And I hope my readers do the same.
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Honestly, Ockham’s razor aside, anyone who ever gave any credibility to the idea that a mutant coronavirus sprang spontaneously 1 mile from a lab that specializes in making mutant coronaviruses probably took the short bus to school.
The lab leak versus no lab leak, or the purposeful versus accidental offer binary choices, to what should not be a binary question.
The correct questions are not being asked.
The first question is; was there really a pandemic? Or was it a ‘pandemic’ caused by data manipulation and a fraudulent test?
Remember how there was no influenza? Or no cases of RSV? Or how the massive spike in ‘deaths’ in NYC and Lombardo Italy cannot be explained with actual data. Like bodies, burials, funerals, ambulance runs, etc.
People don’t ask the right questions.
I don’t have the answers. But confining the question to lab leak or not, offers up a binary choice limited hangout, which gets the real perps off the hook.
Which is exactly what they want.