Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Quoth the Raven

Climate change as a threat of untimely death is quickly losing currency. Absent actual observed harm following 30 years of promised apocalypse, the pitch is getting harder to make. No matter how many scholarly articles purport to prove warming and to link it to human behavior, the downsides don't seem to be manifest and the primary contributors aren't the Western World anyway. Game over. Cue the sad trombones.

What to do? Find another insidious hazard that looks lethal. Bingo! Publication is welcomed and contextless statistics find traction in the five second attention spans of ordinary people who've had little scientific learning. "Do as we say or you'll be killing Grandma or the kids." Who can argue when the entire army of the purportedly learned seems to agree?

Yeah, we are probably headed for another panic. It transfers wealth to those who have it already, allows craven politicians to preen as saviors of humanity and gives teachers another year off work. What's not to like?

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Jun 14Liked by Quoth the Raven

Well these past several postings have been informative… and rather depressing - - ending the week with some Jefferson Airplane - - gotta start a revolution.

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I'll drink to that. Is 10AM too early?

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It’s always 17:00 where I live…. Happy to be a subscriber.

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Nice to be retired!

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Yes, yes it is…

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How sweet it is! Who knew it would be this much fun!

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The new bird flu hoax provides a perfect pretext to create significant food scarcity. That's what the covid hoax was missing - too many people were at home, happy, nourished and living off of government stimulus cheques. This hoax fixes that, by destroying large portions of the food supply under the pretext of 'preventing the spread'. Where have we heard that before. Great article btw!

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O look, right in time for election mail in ballots tomfoolery…

GTFO with this bird flu/ jab shit!

They tired this shit with me again, people will be seeing there dentist asap

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

There is legitimate reason to be concerned about H5 bird flu. There is also a real reason that H5 flues have not produced a human pandemic yet, despite circulating in birds for decades. All influenza viruses attack the sialic acid receptors present in all animals. But to cause a pandemic, it must be able to infect the human upper respiratory tract. The upper human tract has 2,6 linked sialic acids and birds have 2,3. We have the 2,3 type in our lower respiratory tract, so if we inhale H5N1 flu particles, we can get sick. But to spread them easily to others, it must infect the nose/throat/sinus. H5 viruses also tend to be very virulent. Virulence is a function of many factors including the presence of proper receptors in various organs, whether the enzymes in a particular organ can open the cleavage site, optimal temperature of the virus polymerase, and many other details. An extremely or selectively virulent H5 flu that is extremely contagious in humans is unlikely to suddenly emerge in nature, but of course it could be designed in a lab for politics or war. It is worth noting that development of viruses by "serial passage" is low tech, and actors who aren't concerned with their own safety could do it in caves and tunnels, using enemy prisoners or hostages as the lab rats. Hamas could do it.

The current H5N1 that has an outbreak in dairy cattle is very deadly to cats (destroys their brains), but does not seem to harm the cattle much. Most human infections are very limited, because the virus still only attacks the 2,3 sialic acid receptors.

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“some genetic fiddling really did succeed in moving a bat coronavirus into humans”

This has yet to be proven to be an actual fact. And it never will be. The reason for this is simple, and twofold. First, if they allow this to be conclusively proven to be true, or even provide a hint of admission it might be true, then everyone involved is at grave risk of retribution…and you can decide for yourself how that retribution might occur.

Second, if there was to be conclusive proof it isn’t true, then their entire scheme is outed for what it was. A massive fraud.

The problem with buying into the ‘genetic fiddling’ explanation is that it sets the stage for the next round. And the next round is certainly going to be worse than the last one.

I don’t pretend to know what happened. But Occam’s Razor tells me that the likelihood of ‘genetic fiddling’ being the cause of all our woes is a very weak evidentiary case.

In 2019 the economy was on the verge of collapse. The FED had to intervene with massive amounts of liquids literally overnight, to keep the banking system from collapsing. There was a massive effort, ongoing since before PDJT even took the oath, to remove him from office or at least neuter his Presidency and prevent him from winning again. In 2020 there were literally zero cases of influenza. The inventor of the PCR test said it was never intended nor designed to be a diagnostic tool. And then he died under mysterious circumstances. The Epstein issue was on the loose and needed to be quashed.

And there is much more where those things came from.

What better way to address all those issue at once with a fake pandemic, a bought and paid for media, a completely corrupt public health system, and the existence of an ongoing ‘silent’ depression for 80% of the population since 2009.

And then there is this truth; extremely transmissible are generally not deadly. And extremely deadly diseases are not highly transmissible.

Put even more simply, even a cursory review of the timeline, from the time of the first ‘case’ until the country was in full lockdown should be enough to convince even the most ardent skeptic, that something doesn’t make sense.

Add to all of this, that the entire program, from the first announcement that there was a problem right through to the delivery of the injectables, was a DOD operation. The first formal announcement of the pandemic, following the declaration by the WHO (mere days after the alleged Wuhan outbreak) came from DOD. Not HHS. Not FDA. Not the WH. DOD.

The epicenter in the US was NYC. 10s of 1000s allegedly died. The bulk of them in hospitals and care homes. And yet, to this day, NYC officials continue to resist all efforts of investigators to obtain death certificates, morgue records, ambulance data, burials, funeral data, etc. All public records, which in the past were readily available to be reviewed.

If you buy into the ‘genetic fiddling’ you are giving them exactly what they want. It’s so obvious…even a huge majority of the ‘medical freedom’ movement has jumped on the train. And they are now pushing the fear porn and profiting from it, in the same way that the MSM did with Covid.

Something happened, of that there is no doubt. But whatever happened, is most likely not within a distant galaxy of the narrative that you are buying into by accepting ‘genetic fiddling’ as the main reason behind all our woes.

There is a most simple bottom line.

People don’t ask the right questions.

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The strongest case for genetic fiddling of C-19 is evident in the virus sequence itself. Its furin cleavage site, necessary for easy human to human spread, is not present in any other bat coronavirus. There are also signatures of the way such things are assembled in a lab. They can't make a sequence that long (30K base pairs) in one go, but shorter (6-8K) segments are made and then stitched together in the correct order. There are artifacts of this stitching together process in the original virus sequence. Of course, Fauci and other top officials saw these things immediately in Jan 2020, and their immediate reaction was to cover it up and make excuses. The primary survival instinct of any bureaucrat is CYA.

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Copy. I’m a lawyer, not a scientist. So if I cast the facts in the light most favorable to the idea that genetic fiddling occurred, that still does not equal a pandemic of the type they sold us. I know enough about pathogens to be dangerous. So unless it was ‘different this time’ whatever was created in a lab did not spread around the world in 2 weeks time and kill enough people to justify what was done. A literal impossibility.

Which means something other than that happened. Early spread and they are lying about when it began? Infectious clones deployed simultaneously in strategic locales which then spread? Some type of poisoning dispersed by air? Water? Food?_

I don’t know. But a ‘novel’ virus that was super transmissible and deadly and spread from a single location in China and made its way to NYC and Italy, and some other interesting ‘strategic’ locations and necessitated the destruction of societies in order to ‘save’ us, doesn’t past the test.

What you say could be entirely true. But it doesn’t explain what actually occurred. Look at the actual timeline. In the US the first ‘case’ was made public at the end of January. By mid February there were about 15 cases in a half dozen states. By mid March we were on lockdown.

Furin cleavage insertion doesn’t explain that. I have zero doubt they were doing this work. And also no doubt that he ‘pandemic’ was a scam.

When NYC releases the death records and shows how they handled 1000s of deaths in a 30 day period following the day after 14 days to stop the spread began, when they release the morgue records, when they release the burial details, and they all are legit, then I might change my mind.

In the meantime I’ll go back to this.

People don’t ask the right questions.

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You are arguing that C-19 must have been deliberately disseminated. That is possible, but there is little direct evidence for this that I am aware of. The evidence that it was lab-created is much stronger, and both things could easily be true. If someone goes through the trouble to deliberately disseminate a virus, the likelihood that their virus is lab-created is very high. When government actors do things deliberately, they usually want to leave as few factors to chance as possible.

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No I’m not making that assertion. I’m simply saying, that with the facts we know, the narrative that the virus was created in a lab and then spread around the world in a matter of two weeks, is the least probable of any other explanation.

It is also the easiest for people to swallow, and hence, the easiest to use again.

It’s the same op.

People don’t ask the right questions.

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20% of milk sampled from multiple states shows viral RNA in it and this is with the government slow walking any checks because of the financial impact it can have.

From April 18 to 22, 2024 a total of 297 samples of Grade A pasteurized retail milk products (23 product types) were collected from 17 US states and represented products from 132 processors in 38 states. Viral RNA was detected in 60 samples (20.2%) with titer equivalents of up to 5.4log10 50% egg infectious doses (EID50) per ml, with a mean and median of 3.0log10/ml and 2.9log10 /ml respectively

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I think there are lots of perverse incentives, taxation being foremost amongst them. I have been in the biotech field and GOF work happens in all transmissible diseases to understand how to stop them. How do you think we can try to see if an antibiotic will be useful and stay useful? The same with a vaccine.

I think a much bigger issue facing humans, at least 95% of them, is the concentration of wealth. America has just reached the wealth distribution imbalance almost exactly to what it was in 1928. The worlds debt burden and distribution is a global problem, with most developed countries including America-China reaching 300% of GDP including both public and private debt. The amount of billionaire influence on politics is also stiffling and hence free speech, regular discussion and protests have been curtailed by billionaire lobby.

Flu virus protection can potentially save lives, no saving grace for the others.

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You write that we have antibiotics now and so the bird flu ‘should’ be less of a problem. Publish your credentials to make this assertion as the rest of your publication was based on that assessment. These viruses are evolving and there is a real public disdain for science and vaccines. It’s very possible a virus will get going and the public in some American states will not even bother to tune into a disaster as it unfolds. You could be absolutely right but I am thinking you are a talking head and not a scientist.

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