Bill Maher Is Right: It's The Left That Has Gotten More Radical
Maher is delivering his own version of "An Inconvenient Truth" to his left wing fan base about Covid. His common sense is winning him much deserved favor with centrists and the right.
The left is increasingly growing angry with Bill Maher for the comedian’s accurate, common sense take that Covid has become a hysteria in the country.
For Bill, it’s a case of “better late than never” - he certainly wasn’t around criticizing the hysteria a year ago, as Adam Corolla pointed out this weekend:

But hey, at least we know he has a learning curve.
On his show last week, Maher stunned many on the left by publicly reading off facts that are inconvenient to those pushing the Covid hysteria narrative.
“I asked for the COVID deaths by state, this is per 100,000 people,” Maher said, according to The Daily Wire. “The worst is Mississippi. My home state New Jersey, four, fourth worst. New York, sixth worst. West Virginia and Massachusetts are 10 and 11, right together. Could there be two states who are more unalike than West Virginia and Massachusetts? And the poster boy for keeping s*** open was Florida, they’re down at 17. So New York and New Jersey did worse than Florida.”
He continued: “Florida is home to all the old people in America. What this is saying - Florida, like, stayed open. I mean, I was just in Florida. I’ve been there a few times since this started. The atmosphere is just different. I’m not moving to Florida, I’m not promoting Florida. I’m just saying AOC just went to Florida and had a good time without a mask.”
In fact, in proving that most of the right just seeks out common sense, Maher has said that “he’s become a ‘hero’ at Fox News because he’s willing to call out progressive leftists, who he says ‘have their head up their ass,’” according to The Daily News.
Maher then accurately stated that it is the left that has changed, not him.
“Let’s get this straight. It’s not me who changed — it’s the left, who is now made up of a small contingent who’ve gone mental, and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it. But I will. That’s why I’m a hero at Fox these days. Which shows just how much liberals have their head up their a--, because if they really thought about it, they would have made me a hero on their media.”
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And you know Maher is really onto something because he prompted this indignant meltdown by Whoopi Goldberg, who, by the end of her exasperated diatribe, doesn’t really even seem to remember what she was complaining about in the first place.
Goldberg even places special emphasis on children, either knowingly or unknowingly trying to shoehorn her argument in, in favor of “the kids”, who are disproportionately not affected by Covid.
But the facts, relative to the hysteria, once again don’t hold water. No one wants to trivialize the death of children, but the fact of the matter is that this hysteria we are trying to blanket 350 million Americans with is unwarranted.
In 2018, the last year this data was made available by the CDC (I wonder why), almost 2,700 kids aged 1-14 (not 18) died of “unintentional injuries”. About 640 died from homicide and about 240 died from influenza and pneumonia. Another 6,800 people between the age of 10-24 died from suicide.
Meanwhile, the American Academy of Pediatrics has said this year between 0.00%-0.02% of all child COVID-19 cases have resulted in death. That means that 99.98% to 100% of all child COVID-19 cases do not result in death.
Throughout the entire pandemic - the millions and millions of cases logged over the course of almost two years, not one - 789 total children since the beginning of 2020 (and this counts up to 18 years old) have been counted as Covid deaths.
From them, the amount of children that have died with Covid versus from Covid - and those who unfortunately had preexisting conditions - remains to be seen.
“Little kids under the age of 5!” Goldberg screamed in her rant.
But CDC data updated last week shows that just 280 deaths have occurred in children “under the age of 5” in the last two years as Goldberg crows about.
That’s an average of 140 deaths per year: less than all of the above mentioned causes of death from 2018.
Meanwhile, overall childhood deaths in total were actually lower in 2020, despite the pandemic.
Look, deaths are a terrible tragedy and deaths of children are even more devastating. No one wants children to die. No one wants anyone to die. But we must come to terms with the fact that it’s a part of the sacred gamble that is life and we must look at this data relative to the drastic steps we are taking.
When considering the hysteria relative to the narrative being pushed on 350 million Americans, it just doesn’t make common sense - and that’s why Maher is starting to “get it” and catch on, while the hysterical fringe of his left-wing audience sits at home sketching up ways of how they’re now going to cancel him.
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Running to the lifesize cardboard-cutout store to fetch a Bill Maher figure for my lawn.
yeah he votes left, but he had this one right when many republican governors were taking money from Trump to shut down their states.